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Time To Take YOU To The Next Level

If you could believe it, it is finally here. That’s right everyone, 2022 has arrived in grand style and we couldn’t be any happier. For those of us in the northern hemisphere, spring is just a hop skip and a jump away from being a reality, the Holidays are behind us and it’s time to get busy about this new year thing.

Now with that being said, the trend is to look back and be happy it’s over. You know, all of it. The year that’s just passed. We tend towards clinking a glass on December 31st and never looking back, and while in many ways that’s precisely what the new years’ celebrations are meant to do, it’s also a good idea to not look back at times – but to do it with a healthy dose of reality and introspection.

We’re moving forward, yes – my gosh are we moving forward, but retain the lessons that make sense. Keep the practices that worked, and retain a healthy remembrance of those that didn’t, while taking care – not to bring them with you.

We’re going to look at a few ways that you can start prepping to take you, all of you, to the next level. What’s the next level? 

Glad you asked…

“Do not wait until the conditions are perfect to begin. Beginning makes the conditions perfect.” – Alan Cohen, author.

Next Level Vision Boarding

Before you allow yourself the mother of all eye rolls, consider this: there is actual science behind vision boarding, but there is also a trick to making it work. While we all wish we were those über manifesters that can think of a million dollars and, voilà! It’s in our bank accounts – that is not a thing, and anyone who tells you differently – buyer beware. The system works when our brains and most importantly, our subconscious systems believe what you’re visualizing and planning for. This may also mean that you need to work on your self-image and self-worth if you’re visualizing a new car, but your brain keeps telling you that you don’t deserve it.

Plan your year in pictures, make sure that what you want to achieve is realistic and can be measured, that it’s specific and set to an achievable time limit.

Next Level Business/Career Growth

No more second fiddle. Not to your boss – not to anyone. If you’ve been working your tail off and getting results but it’s not reflecting in your increases or career or business growth, it’s time to hit the drawing board. You could benefit from learning about how your organizations’ hierarchy works when it comes to spinning new ideas, or maybe – the problem lies with you. Schedule an appointment with a career advisor or life coach and try to get to the bottom of where you’re at. This is not the same as seeing a psychologist or other mental health practitioner. If you have other underlying issues that need a clinician – get one.

Next Level Skills and Education

No matter how much hands-on experience you have, without having that little piece of paper to tell everyone that you do know what you’re talking about, you’re going to have a harder time getting the salary you want or growing your business the way that you want. Like-minded people, want to do business with like-minded people, and even though (thankfully) newer companies and start-ups tend to be more concerned with what you can do, instead of what you’re telling them your degree says you can, this isn’t the norm yet. It may be time, to take on that MBA mission, especially useful if you’re not quite in the ‘automatic admissions’ category, yet.

Next Level Training and Fitness

To live your best life, you have to be your best you and this starts, 100% with a decent diet and exercise regime. There is no way around it, but if you’re not the gym bunny type – don’t let that put you off. There are thousands of good programs that don’t cost an awful lot – online, and you won’t even have to leave your home to take part in them. No one is suggesting that you need to place in the top 50 of the New York Marathon (unless that is what you want), but there is no way to get to where you’re going, without taking your health and fitness seriously too.

Next Level Romance

You deserve to have the best partner in your life. Now watch this: you deserve to be that partner too. In the great age of entitlement, we’ve all been led to believe that we are the best things ever and that everyone else needs to comply with our standards. It’s all about me! Well, see how far that’s gotten your friends if you have them (and we know you do), and for that matter – you. Attracting the best mate starts with being the best mate – and actually being the best, not just thinking that you are.

We’re never going to get to everything in one post, so take a moment to stop and think. To really think. When last have you done that? 

Happy New Year.

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