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Top 5 Must-Have Office Equipment for Small Business Owners

Managing a small business takes a lot of optimization, hard work, and attention to every office need. One thing to keep your operations streamlined and smooth sailing has the proper supplies for your employees. Office supplies contribute to everything from sales, documentation, marketing, and communication to keep track of. 

Explore the top five must-have pieces of office equipment for small business owners, focusing on essentials to streamline operations and enhance productivity. Key items include advanced printers like the Epson EcoTank Pro, known for its efficiency. To maintain peak performance, “shop Epson printer heads” for high-quality printing solutions. This guide emphasizes the importance of selecting the right technology to support daily business activities, ensuring your office is equipped for success.

  1. Paper Resources (Documentation and Communication)

Despite converting most paper documents to virtual files and folders in the digital era, paper products are still a detrimental part of your everyday operations. From legal papers to print to employee certificates and client contracts, you’ll need a set of papers and printers ready. 

We suggest equipping your employee with stationaries, notebooks, desk calendars, and business cards to make operations more efficient. Plus, employees get to personalize their workstations with their supplies to increase productivity and elevate the mood when working.

With Papers, Come with Printers

Of course, since we have papers in our offices, it would also make sense to bring printers. There are a lot of printers to choose from, but we recommend the Epson EcoTank Pro.

This printer is an all-in-one inkjet model that uses Epson Printer Ink. Featuring fast printing, scanning, and photocopying of multi-page documents with sharp consistency and connectivity with Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and Apple AirPrint services. 

Although it’s not the best in producing fine-printed and scanned photographs, this is a good investment in small offices that only need one printer.

Depending on your copier needs, you can also decide to rent from companies such as Freelease Copiers for short-term or even longer-term solutions.

  1. Organizational Resources (Streamline Priorities)

A key ingredient of running a successful business is being organized and on top of daily priorities. Get binders, folders, staplers, scissors, and pens for maximum efficiency and productivity. We recommend getting at least one set of folders, binders, and pens per employee to help them organize and stay on top.

  1. Essential Cleaning Supplies (Hygiene and Cleanliness)

Hygiene and a clean work environment are critical for your operations. A safe and hygienic office allows employees to work safely, and its cleanliness improves their mood. You will work in a clean place with healthy employees by getting simple cleaning supplies like mops, trash bins, brooms, and hand sanitizers. 

  1. Medical and Caution Supplies (OSHA Regulations)

By OSHA standards, every office space should have medical supplies following the potential hazards of the workplace. While the minimum medical requirement varies per workplace, we recommend having an OSHA-approved medical kit, flashlights, ice packs, caution or hazard signs, and whistles for earthquakes. 

Getting your employees the necessary medical supplies can help employees against hazards and assist them in case of workplace injuries.

  1. Technological Supplies (Computers and Laptops)

Computers are now a mandatory commodity in any office. They save time and effort in manual processes in your daily operations and keep everything streamlined. And to keep documents and corporate resources digitally safe, invest in external storage devices and servers to create a network between different departments or offices in various locations. 

We also suggest getting laptops for employees who travel or work at home as part of their job description and some accessories.

Phone Systems (Traditional or Virtual)

Every office needs a reliable tool for communication as many gears and tasks are moving around daily. A phone system connects you and your network of employees in a single phone directory. 

There are two kinds of phone systems offices use today. One is a traditional or legacy phone system that connects phone lines on-premise, and employees can make calls on their desktop phones. Another one is virtual or cloud-based phone systems. These are entirely cloud-based and hosted by the phone system company, allowing everyone to take calls or virtual meetings on their computers and headsets.

Strong Internet Connection

A solid internet connection is as essential as other supplies in this article in this age. Employees can quickly send out email communications, research, and perform other operational and marketing duties with a reliable connection. 

And besides, the majority of businesses today rely on the internet to keep their operations running, so they prioritize getting a good connection and being on top against competitors. 

Digital Accessories: 

You can consider providing them with digital accessories from Statik, including power banks, mounts, cables, and more. These thoughtful additions not only enhance their work experience but also contribute to a productive and efficient work environment. Equipping your employees with reliable power banks or mounts ensures that they can stay connected and powered up throughout the workday, allowing your business to operate smoothly and efficiently.

Additional Office Equipment

These are not required for your office, but it helps to have these on board as you optimize your workspace to be efficient and productive. 

Paper Shredders

These shredders are great for instantly destroying sensitive documents or paper trash. Plus, they save a lot on sorting and recycling your trash and separate it from other trash bins.

Water Coolers and Coffee Machines

These dispensers are great for hydrating employees and boosting their energies with a hot cup of coffee. And it makes them bond more with co-workers in their breaks over a hot cup of joe.


In every office, supplies are needed to keep the workforce engine running. Our list above will help you quickly streamline operations and improve your employees’ morale and productivity. No matter what products and services your business offers, you must adhere to the basic needs of office spaces as you build your way up with your company.

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