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What You May Not Have Considered In Moving From Office To Office


Moving to a new office can feel like a great success, especially if you’re upsizing. Sometimes it takes the architectural reality of a large building to help you fully visualize how your business has grown. In order to make the most of this, you likely desire to experience a smooth move, one that will bring up few problems and little delays. For this reason, planning is key. However, there are some considerations in even the best laid plans that you may not have considered when moving, and it might pay for you to think about before this transitory period begins. Thankfully, dealing with this is more than achievable, so long as you pay attention to the following efforts:




When moving to a new office, it’s perfectly reasonable to think that not only the scope of your office size is worthy of an upgrade. This might be an excellent time to sign on with new services and give your entire systems offering a new upgrade. For example, you might use cloud transformation services to translate all your data to a more complete package offering, or perhaps reinstall a VPN package for uniform business use. Consider the time of the installation your services require, but also what accessory installations you might choose.


For example, let’s say you’re a small production studio transitioning to a more professional environment. Instead of using Adobe Create Suite you may decide to install Avid Media Composer and ancillary products. Installing, testing compatibilities, readjusting file types to work in the new parameters, perhaps on entirely new or alternate computing systems, can take extra time. This means considering the cost of your uptime stabilization in both time and financial investment may be warranted. It might not be easy to completely predict, but budgeting both of these estimated resources to the task could save you a lot of pain and headaches when you arrive to the new environment.


Room Utility


Moving to a new office can be so exciting it’s often hard to figure out exactly where and when you should attribute your office functions. However, knowing exactly what you’re to use each room for can help you purchase furniture in advance, or at least move items into the office in an ordering pattern that makes the most sense. For example, it might be that bringing in tables into a small meeting room is more important, or setting up the whiteboard electronics in order to give presentations when they matter.


It might be that you even decide to cordon off spaces, or that you decide the best navigability for an office layout, or even how well a manager’s voice might travel from the front of a room. Your plans now will have a big impact down the road, so it’s important to chisel them out correctly. Changes to decisions made down the line can happen of course, but it’s much easier to set up correctly than to retroactively fix issues that aren’t working. With a plan, at least you will be the most informed to make future correctives, even if your initial plans do not pan out.


With these simple tips to implement, you will have better forethought to your career.


Featured image: Pexels

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