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How to Keep Your Commercial or Residential Safe From Prying Eyes

How to Keep Your Commercial or Residential Safe From Prying Eyes

For many employees, where they work is a place that they look forward to coming to, for the most part, because it is safe, functional, and conducive to helping them be as productive as possible. But it is also often an easy target for prying eyes because the building itself is usually out in the open for everyone to see. This is one of the main reasons why you should focus on implementing safety measures that’ll give you peace of mind that your building and your staff are protected at all times. Here are some helpful tips from Elita Torres for making your commercial or residential building foolproof.

Make Sure You Have the Correct Lighting in Case of an Emergency

The correct lighting will play a critical role in determining whether the occupants can see their path to safety in the case of an emergency, such as a fire hazard, for example. Furthermore, you will also need to have sufficient lighting installed on the outside of the building too so that employees feel safer when they come and go. Proper lighting will also go a long way in improving the appearance of your building aesthetically so that it is more pleasing to the eye when clients visit your building.

Your Lighting Should Be Adequately Dispersed

Lighting will play a critical role in ensuring that your building is always protected. So, you’ll want to ensure that dimly lit areas such as the parking garage, for example, and areas leading down or up to the parking facilities are as illuminated as possible so that your staff feels secure about entering and leaving the premises. Furthermore, it will also assist drivers as they maneuver their way into and out of parking spaces. A TopTier LED light, for instance, provides ample lighting for parking areas and structures. Moreover, they can be mounted to certain fixtures such as walls, poles, and passageways easily to provide ample quantities of energy-efficient lighting to areas that need it. Plus, it looks stylish too and sets the right atmosphere for guests that are entering the premises for the first time.

Alarms Never Go Out of Date

Alarms systems are a security feature that never goes out of date, as this can alert you to potential criminal activity before any harm to your building and your staff can occur. For example, a smoke alarm can signal if there is the potential for a fire outbreak. Burglary and intrusion alarm systems are there to provide extra protection for your building and its occupants, notifying you of any suspicious or alarming activity that might be happening in and around the building that you might not be aware of. And here’s some extra good news: in addition to personal safety, home improvements like this can also raise your home’s overall appraisal value, so it’s a win-win!

Technology Can Be a Lifesaver

Technology can amplify the safety measures you have implemented even more with its smart and innovative features. For example, you can spot movement with infrared technology even if visibility conditions are low. Motion sensors also work well if criminals manage to bypass your more conventional alarm systems. Another example is CCTV surveillance, which allows your security system to warn unwanted intruders to think twice about entering the building.

Indeed, enhancing your security controls through better lighting and smarter tools that will outwit even the most experienced intruder is the safest bet to safeguard your most precious assets. 

Elita Torres is an entrepreneur and author with over 20 years’ experience as a Leader, Manager, and Developer of Talent. Click here to check out her work!

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