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Progressive Web Apps (PWAs): Revolutionizing the Future of E-commerce


In recent years, PWAs have emerged as one of the most powerful strategies that can be used in ecommerce. A dedicated e-commerce app development company can leverage PWAs to combine the best aspects of online and mobile apps: They are fast, easily reachable and interesting without interruption.

According to a current analysis by Emergen Research, the global market for PWAs was $1.13 billion and is projected to reach a value of $10.44 billion by 2027. This article covers understanding of PWAs for ecommerce. It looks at the strengths and weaknesses of online businesses and what can be expected regarding online business in the future.

Understanding Progressive Web Apps (PWAs)

Users of PWAs get an app-like experience on the web because they rely on modern web technologies. They were built using standard web technologies including HTML, CSS and JavaScript and as such should be readily viewable on any device that supports those technologies. 

Some important things about PWAs are: 

#1) Offline Functionality

PWAs can function while in offline mode or when the internet speed is low, thanks to service workers.

#2) App-like Interface

PWAs provide the feeling of using native mobile apps because it is easy to navigate and provide a full-screen view that makes one feel they are at the location.

#3) Push Notifications

They can use push notifications to keep the users engaged and inform them about the promotions or the changes.

#4) Responsive Design

PWAs are designed to run on any device using a single script. This ensures that the experience across different screen sizes and resolutions remains consistent.

Benefits of PWAs for Ecommerce

Some of the advantages that have been accorded with the use of Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) in e-commerce are as follows:

#1) Better Speed and Performance

One of the key benefits of PWAs is the enhancement of the web pages’ loading speed. This is very important for e-commerce sites because faster opening times cause more people to stay on the site longer. PWAs are reported to be 2-10 times faster than traditional mobile websites, which can increase their chances of being converted. 

#2) Enhanced User Engagement

PWAs are generally more engaging than ordinary mobile websites because they provide features like push notifications and offline capabilities. Using these features, online stores can inform customers about new products, special offers, or abandoned carts, which would make them return to make the purchase.

#3) Increased Reach and Accessibility

PWAs can be created by anyone on any device with any level of internet connectivity. This makes it possible for everyone to access the internet, which aids e-commerce businesses to extend their markets to areas where internet connectivity is a bit slow. Furthermore, since PWAs do not have to be downloaded from an application store, they eliminate the issues associated with application downloads, hence allowing users to engage with the platform.

#4) Cost-effective Development

PWA proves more effective and affordable than creating two applications – iOS and Android, plus, website maintenance. According to the theoretical approach, it means one PWA can work perfectly on all platforms and devices and, therefore, requires less time and funds for creation. 

They may be able to effectively leverage resources if they adopt this single strategy. This is especially beneficial for companies that offer custom e-commerce app development services as it is easier and more efficient to maintain one application that works seamlessly and is interchangeably accessed on all platforms.

#5) Better SEO and Discoverability

PWAs are, in fact, websites, and this means that search engines can crawl through them. This makes them easier to discover than native apps that are only discoverable in app stores. This suggests that conventional SEO practices can positively impact ecommerce PWAs, perhaps bringing in more organic traffic.

Challenges in Implementing PWAs

Despite this, online businesses need to understand the drawbacks or limitations of PWAs.

#1) Browser Compatibility

Even though more and more of the major browsers provide support for PWAs, there are variations in how they implement the features of PWA. This could result in one system providing users with one kind of experience and another system providing users with another kind of experience. Nevertheless, things are gradually improving, as more browsers adhere to the PWA standards.

#2) Limited Native Device Access

PWAs are not capable of leveraging as much of the device’s hardware as native apps are capable of. Some options are unavailable in PWAs, including Bluetooth, customizable camera settings, and other features that might be exclusive to hardware. This can be an issue with e-commerce apps that rely on these tools to enhance the app’s usability.

#3) User Perception and Adoption

People are reluctant to shift their usage of native applications to progressive web applications as they are familiar with conventional applications. In general, PWAs have to be marketed and promoted, and people should learn that they exist and they can help.

#4) Apple’s Restrictions

PWAs are not as well supported in iOS as they are in Android by Apple. Some PWAs are less effective on iPhones or iPads because of limitations such as Safari’s reduced support for service workers and lack of push notifications. This is something that e-commerce stores with a large number of iOS users should consider.

The Future of Progressive Web Apps in Ecommerce

Since technology continues to evolve and solve challenges, the future of PWAs in e-commerce is promising. Due to enhanced web standards and browser capabilities, progressive web apps may gradually become more incorporated into ecommerce. Here are some trends for the future:

Better features: As web technologies continue to improve, PWAs are likely to use more of the device’s capabilities, making them almost like native applications.

Wider use: Since larger e-commerce companies claim that PWAs work for them, smaller ones will likely do so, too, which means adoption will increase and norms will develop.

Better education for users: The more the users are well-informed and understand the meaning of PWAs, the more they will accept to use them in their ecommerce transactions making them a popular option.


The concept of Progressive Web Apps is influencing shopping experiences to be faster, less likely to break, and more engaging. They are especially effective where performance, reach, and costs are considered, making them ideal for an e-commerce app development company seeking to enhance its online visibility.

However, as technology advances and more browsers accept them, PWAs will be widely used in e-commerce in the future. Thus, PWAs will generate a significant impact on the future of e-commerce, introducing people of the entire world to unforgettable experiences.

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