5 Things You Can Do To Guard Against Cyber Threats


The internet is a wide-open frontier. While that fact creates opportunities, it also results in dangers for users. With identity theft being a pervasive and persistent threat to everyone, people from all walks of life wonder what they can do to prevent attacks. Here are five simple steps that anyone can take to stay safe online.

1. Get Expert Assistance

Chances are that you’re not an IT expert. Even small businesses rarely have the advantage of a security operations center (SOC). That doesn’t mean you have to go it alone in terms of security. Multiple universities are now offering cybersecurity “boot camps” aimed at novices. The government’s Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) has the same offerings. You could also hire an “ethical hacking” service. These professionals will safely penetrate your system to expose vulnerabilities that actual criminals could exploit. Help is out there. Consider availing yourself of it. 

2. Install Antivirus and Firewall Programs

The first and most critical line of defense is your antivirus software suite. One common vector of attack is malware. Criminals attach malicious software (malware) to emails or hide it on unsecured websites. When you click on an unfamiliar link or access the page, the malware then attaches and can thus allow remote control of your systems by a hacker. If you deal with a high volume of emails, it might be wise to invest in a firewall. These programs or devices flag suspicious emails automatically. The need for defensive software varies by network. Do the research and learn your requirements.

3. Know the Warning Signs of Scams

The most popular (and devastating) attacks take advantage of something called “social engineering.” Phishing is one such attack. In a phishing incident, a scam artist will pretend to represent a legitimate company to deceive their victim into giving them personal info. This scam can be performed over the phone (often from a fraudulent call center) or via a phony website. For this reason, it’s vital to learn the differences between a fake website and a legitimate site. Learning these simple tricks of the cybercriminal’s trade is the key to staying safe.

4. Backup All Vital Data

Regularly back up all of your data. This advice goes double for your most personal information. The safest measure is to back up information in hard copy form and keep it locked in a safe. It’s not always convenient to store vast amounts of data this way, so consider encrypting your hard drive with a system like Windows 10’s BitLocker. Various options for secure mobile data storage exist such as locked and encrypted flash drives. It’s worthwhile to make accessing your data as arduous as possible for unauthorized users. 

5. Use Strong Authentication Measures

For the typical user, authentication starts and ends with passwords, passcodes, and tokens. It’s critical to make these authentication methods as rigorous as possible. Participation in multifactor authentication (MFA) protocols is advisable. MFA often takes the form of using one-time passwords and having security questions. Many users balk at these measures, but MFA personalizes security making it more effective.

Creating strong passwords is equally critical to digital safety. Using simple passwords that reflect some sentimental detail of your life is one of the worst mistakes you could make. These passwords are simple for anyone who knows details about your life to guess. Instead, use randomized characters to build your password. Make it at least 12 characters in length so decryption programs can’t crack it. 

Staying safe online is much simpler than most people think. You don’t have to be a computer science expert. Awareness of the threats and their countermeasures is all it takes to keep your data safe.