Sons – Lowering Stress: Which Exercises Help Best?

There is a well-established link between excessive stress and hair loss; if you don’t get your stress under control, it can have damaging effects on your body, potentially leading to less vitality in your hair strands and hair loss.

What can men do to lower their stress levels? One way to become less stressed is to exercise, releasing endorphins from the body that we feel when stressed or suffering in other ways. Let’s look at the best exercises to do to reduce stress, thus keeping your body and hair in its best condition.


The benefits of running include improving your cardiovascular health, building muscle, and giving you a satisfied feeling afterwards. Running is a very versatile activity, too, because you’re able to do it anywhere outdoors that’s safe to do so.

Your pace doesn’t matter at all when you first get into running, so don’t be deterred by regular runners setting new personal records. Start slowly if you’re new to running, buy a decent pair of running shoes so you’re prepared, and get excited about the routes you’ve planned.


Swimming is particularly significant because you’re using the resistance of the water to move yourself rather than a floor or instrument, putting less stress and impact on your joints. Not only this, but swimming is beneficial for so many body parts that you’re working out all areas of your body.

Controlling your breathing is a crucial part of meditating, and swimming helps you with this, as well as your head bobs under and above the water. Timing your breath to perfection can help you in everyday life, plus swimming builds cardiovascular and muscular strength.


As the most popular sport in the UK, it’s unsurprising there are so many five-a-side pitches across the country. Getting together with a group of friends to enter a team into a league or hiring a pitch for a friendly kick-around can help you get fit and remove many of life’s stresses as you play.

Playing a sport you love doesn’t feel like a chore, so making football part of your routine is a great way to have fun and reduce stress, all for the benefit of your well-being and health, including your hair.


Yoga isn’t just a spiritual experience that teaches you to be calm and mindful, but it also develops your muscles, flexibility, and breathing. You’ll feel stronger and more mobile the more you perform yoga.

As you are guided through your yoga session, you’ll be taught how to breathe optimally to stay in the moment, benefiting your body and mind for your overall health.

Your hair can reap the benefits of these exercises, so combining them with a range of hair loss products designed to target hair loss and thinning can help your hair look and feel more voluminous.

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