10 Side Hustles That Can Make You Some Cash On The Side

If you are looking to make some extra money on the side then you need to find a side hustle. You do this alongside your everyday job, for example, in the evenings when you have some free time. A side hustle can be absolutely anything that makes you money but you should also enjoy it. Finding something you enjoy might be tricky, it should also be something niche that not many people are offering. That way you can expect to find more customers and clients wanting your products or services. If you are struggling to think of a side hustle that you would enjoy then take a look at the list below, maybe you will find some inspiration. 

Football Coach 

Do you love football and want to pass this passion on to the younger generation? If so, then you might want to become a football coach. As a football coach, you choose when to work and when to hold sessions. If you don’t want to have your team just yet then you could join another team in the area who are hiring. They tend to work in the evenings and on weekends, this is when matches will take place. Being a football coach is such a rewarding side hustle as you get to watch the players grow and develop. 

Dance Teacher 

If your passion and love in life is dance then you might want to become a dance teacher. Similar to a football coach, you get to work with the younger generation teaching them everything you know. If you want to set up your dance class then you will need to figure out where to hold the classes. Usually, you need to hire a hall or space to do this. You will need to work out if it all fits into your budget. You can also choose which age group you work with and what style of dance you will be teaching them. 


Is your background in teaching, if it is and you have the knowledge needed then you could become a tutor. There is always a need for tutors as a lot of children are still playing catch up to when they were off during the Covid pandemic. A lot of parents will expect you to have background checks and relevant experience along with qualifications before working with their children. However, you can earn a lot of money working as a tutor so it is certainly worth it to have everything in place before starting. You can join existing websites where parents can find you or you can create your own website. 


If you love sharing all about your life and the adventures you go on then why not become a blogger? You can gain a huge following from blogging and see lots of sites around the world. If you don’t want to travel but still want to blog then never fear, you could also share home adventures such as different recipes and what to do in your local area. You can make a bit of money from blogging in a few different ways, one way could be selling canva templates while another could be using affiliate marketing. 


If you have a niche talent such as writing or accounting then you could become a freelancer. This is one of the best side hustles as it gives you a lot of freedom, you can set your own hours and fees. You get customers and clients who may become regulars to your service all while getting new customers. Make sure you are good at what you do and don’t keep them waiting too long. You can do freelancing absolutely anywhere, all you need is an internet connection and your laptop. Get online and make your own website or join an existing freelancing site. 


Do you own your very own professional camera and love taking pictures of just about anything and everything? If so, you could use photography as your side hustle. You may have a specialty, such as weddings or newborns. Whichever you choose, be sure to get your profile and portfolio out there for your potential customers and clients to see. Photographers can earn a fortune from taking pictures or videos for people. Make sure that if you are working with members of the public you have the right checks and insurances. 


When you have a certain skill such as painting a lot of people will be interested in your services. You could list all your images online or you could open up a studio where individuals come and see your work in person. It can be amazing watching your paintings come to life and then be sold to people who will hang them with pride in their homes. 


Do you have experience and adore working with children? If so, then you could work as a babysitter in your spare time. This is a lucrative business and can get you quite a bit of extra cash on the side. You can set your own fees, but be aware you can charge more after a certain time. Unsociable hours are when people tend to want babysitting so they can go on a night out. Make sure you keep your references and paperwork up to date so you can continue gaining new clients. 

Dog Walking

Do you prefer animals to humans, you are not alone. If you have experience working with animals, especially dogs then you could become a dog sitter. You will work during the day or over weekends to help walk dogs that may be missing out. This could be due to their owners working long hours and not being home for them. Make sure you have everything you need to be a dog walker, you could also walk multiple dogs at once. Once you get a reputation then you will be wanted by all the local dog owners. 

House Sitting 

If you are trustworthy then a lot of people will hire you to work as a house sitter. This can be a great little side hustle as there are always people out for long hours or going away for vacations. They don’t like leaving their houses unattended for long periods of time so you could gain quite a following. It might not be just house sitting you will be doing, it could be ensuring their pets are fed. Smaller animals can be left for longer than bigger ones, for instance, rodents and fish don’t need as much attention as cats or dogs. 

Hopefully, you found this article helpful and that it gave you some ideas and inspiration into the world of side hustles. One thing to remember, if you are making money from your side hustle then this may be taxable. Be sure to check the law, rules, and regulations before you set up your side hustle. 

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