16 Effective Strategies for Staying Updated With Industry Trends

To help you stay ahead of the curve in your industry, we asked CEOs and directors for their best strategies. From engaging with social media and customers to investing in in-house skills development, here are the top sixteen strategies these leaders shared to keep up-to-date with the latest trends.

  • Engage With Social Media and Customers
  • Leverage Data Analytics for Trends
  • Maintain a Tech Scout Role
  • Follow Industry-Relevant Subreddits
  • Subscribe to Newsletters and Follow Influencers
  • Listen to SEO Podcasts
  • Attend Industry Conferences and Workshops
  • Set Up Google Alerts
  • Stay Active on Social Media
  • Monitor Real-Time Data and Social Media
  • Attend Trade Shows for Floral Trends
  • Check Reports and Publications
  • Learn From Your Clients
  • Implement New Techniques on Projects
  • Invest in In-House Skills Development
  • Engage in Hands-On Training and Mentorship

Engage With Social Media and Customers

When it comes to piercings and the jewelry that they are adorned with, it usually is pretty straightforward. However, over the past few years, we have seen an increase in interest in piercing jewelry, mainly because more people are having various piercings done as a form of self-expression, among other reasons. 

Trends relating to piercings can be found through two main sources. The first is through social media and interacting with other piercers, influencers, and various lifestyle sub-cultures—here we gain insight on styles and materials that the masses are leaning toward. The second is by engaging with our customers. Actively seeking feedback, using surveys, and general interactions help us understand whether or not we are on the right track with our selection of jewelry, or if there are other styles and options to include in our offerings.

Amanda Bunch, CEO, BodyArtForms

In commercial lending, staying ahead requires a keen eye on emerging trends. For me, leveraging data analytics has been a game-changer. I take advantage of the power of data—I can identify patterns, assess risk more accurately, and uncover hidden opportunities. 

For example, analyzing loan performance data can help predict potential challenges and develop early intervention strategies. Staying updated on technological advancements, such as artificial intelligence and machine learning, is crucial. These tools can streamline processes, enhance decision-making, and improve customer experiences.

Gary Hemming, Commercial Lending Director, ABC Finance Limited

Maintain a Tech Scout Role

We maintain a “Tech Scout” role within our team, dedicated to exploring and testing emerging technologies and platforms. This role involves scouting new software, tools, apps, and platforms that could impact SEO and e-commerce, from beta-testing new social media features to experimenting with AR in online ads. 

The insights gathered are shared in tailored workshops with our team, ensuring that all members are equipped with knowledge of cutting-edge tools that could benefit our client strategies. This proactive exploration keeps our services innovative and highly adaptive to changing digital landscapes.

Marc Bishop, Director, Wytlabs

Follow Industry-Relevant Subreddits

As the head of a recruiting firm, I find Reddit to be invaluable for staying current with the latest trends in the recruitment and job market. I often dive into specific subreddits like r/recruiting, r/humanresources, and r/jobs to learn firsthand about the latest experiences, insights, and challenges faced by professionals. 

Regularly following the discussions there provides me with real-time feedback on what candidates are looking for, which skills are in demand, and how industry practices are evolving. It’s like having a pulse on the industry’s heartbeat—what’s trending today might shape how I approach recruiting tomorrow.

I like using Reddit’s search feature to explore relevant topics. For example, if I want to understand how companies are adapting to hybrid work models, I can search keywords like “remote work” or “hybrid recruitment” within relevant subreddits. 

I also engage in discussions by asking questions or sharing my insights, leading to valuable exchanges of information with fellow recruiters and industry experts. This interaction not only broadens my understanding but also helps establish my presence in the community as an active participant in ongoing dialogues about best practices.

Lastly, I leverage Reddit to keep an eye on candidate perspectives. The r/careerguidance and r/resumes subreddits give me insights into what job seekers are currently experiencing, what they value in their job searches, and the common pitfalls they encounter. This helps me tailor my recruiting strategies to better align with candidate expectations and refine our pitch to companies. 

Keeping a close watch on these discussions has enabled me to keep my firm relevant and be a leader in adapting to the ever-changing landscape of recruitment.

Joe Coletta, Founder & CEO, 180 Engineering

Subscribe to Newsletters and Follow Influencers

I believe that in the marketing industry, keeping up with the latest trends is the key to success. Signing up for industry newsletters and following key influencers on social media is very helpful. Newsletters contain articles, research, and updates on new tools and technologies that come straight to my inbox. 

Following influencers on platforms like LinkedIn, Twitter, and Instagram helps me see what thought leaders are saying about new trends, case studies, and best practices. Engaging with their posts and discussions gives me valuable insights and keeps me informed about the latest strategies. This way, I can quickly access and use new ideas and tools in the marketing field.

Alina Samchenko, COO, Content Manager, Hire Developers Biz

Listen to SEO Podcasts

My industry is e-commerce, but it’s absolutely vital to be operating at an expert level when it comes to search engine optimization tactics. SEO is the lifeblood of how I bring new visitors to my e-commerce store, as I am not currently operating any paid campaigns. This keeps my overall costs down and my ROI high, but I need to be able to implement successful SEO strategies for it all to pay off. 

One of the best ways to stay up on this world is through a variety of great SEO podcasts, which allow me to multi-task throughout my day while still getting the latest developments in this ever-changing industry.

Steve DiMatteo, Owner, Cleveland Vintage Shirts

Attend Industry Conferences and Workshops

As an HVAC service director and being in the industry for over 15 years, one strategy I’ve found effective in keeping up-to-date with the latest trends in our industry is to participate in industry conferences. These events have been very valuable for gaining insights into the newest technologies, regulatory changes, and best practices in the HVAC field. 

We attend Lennox Live, which is an HVAC convention held every year by the manufacturer. They premiere their latest technology and offer breakouts on different aspects of the HVAC industry by industry experts. Our Board of Directors is part of a group called the “Baggers,” which are owners from other HVAC companies in different states who get together several times a year to “audit” each other’s businesses and offer suggestions on how to improve, and/or take away things they would like to use in their own businesses. 

I have participated in a similar “Baggers” group with Mitsubishi. We are also a part of ACCA (Air Conditioning Contractors of America), who publish magazines and has a website where information on the latest trends is at our fingertips. 

These conferences allow me to engage directly with manufacturers, vendors, and industry experts, providing firsthand knowledge of innovative products and emerging trends. I also make it a point to participate in workshops and seminars offered at these events, which often cover cutting-edge topics and practical applications relevant to our work. Networking with peers and other industry experts during these events also plays a big role. We are all able to share experiences and solutions with other professionals in the HVAC industry to help us stay ahead of the curve and adapt quickly to new developments. 

This has made a big impact on the success of our team as a whole by making sure that our team is equipped with the latest information and tools, ultimately enhancing our service quality and maintaining our competitive edge in the market.

Andrew Hulsebos, Service Director, Reiner Group Inc.

Set Up Google Alerts

One effective strategy for staying updated with digital marketing trends is setting up Google Alerts for key industry terms and competitors. This tool sends real-time notifications about new content, news, or updates related to specific keywords. By monitoring these alerts, I can quickly identify emerging trends, understand what competitors are doing, and keep up with industry changes. This proactive approach allows us to adapt swiftly and maintain our competitive edge in digital marketing.

Shane McEvoy, MD, Flycast Media

Stay Active on Social Media

Being a part of the wedding and event industry, keeping up with trends is an integral part of what we do. Trends come and go in a matter of months. Something that is trending in spring can be outdated by fall. It is a natural progression of things in the wedding and event industry. There are many ways to stay on top of trends. 

By attending expos, conferences, and workshops, you learn about how to make these trends usable for an event, whereas client feedback shows you how to adjust trends to individual preferences. It also helps you understand what you are doing right and what needs to be worked on. 

However, to keep a keen eye on trends, the most effective way is to be active on social media. Pinterest, TikTok, Instagram, blog pages, and wedding sites will always have the details on the trends and why they are popular. From here, you take what you learn about these trends and find ways to adapt them to suit the personal preferences of your clients.

Aureljia Gintaliene, Founder, Breezit

Monitor Real-Time Data and Social Media

When it comes to dealing with a product like seafood, you need to work with real-time data in order to stay up-to-date with the trends that are happening at the moment. We have to look at the purchasing habits of customers as well as the seasonal availability of the seafood we offer. By understanding what seafood options are gaining popularity, we can tackle the supply-and-demand with efficiency. 

However, with other offerings on our site, we look at social media, influencers, and the like to see what is going on in the realm of food and how we can contribute to this trend. For example, there was a point when we noted that people were looking to have access to gourmet restaurant-level food in the comfort of their own homes. This gave way to the idea of ready-to-cook meal kits. There is a variety from surf-and-turf to lobster rolls—which satisfies a variety of customers.

Joe Bowab, CEO, Lobster Anywhere

As a florist, attending trade shows has greatly enhanced my understanding of current floral trends. Events like the International Flower & Garden Show have allowed me to discover the latest floral arrangements and design techniques while connecting with other florists, suppliers, and industry leaders. At these shows, I can see new products firsthand, including unique flowers, sustainable materials, and innovative design tools that are becoming popular. This exposure inspires me to bring contemporary styles into my own work, helping me maintain an appealing product range.

Many trade shows also offer expert-led workshops and panels discussing important topics like changing consumer preferences and marketing strategies. For example, I attended sessions on sustainable floristry, which helped me align my business with the growing demand for eco-friendly options. I strongly recommend business owners attend such industry events since they reaffirm your commitment to delivering exceptional, trend-forward products.

Sophie Marasco, Founder, Thanks A Bunch Florist

Check Reports and Publications

By far, the most accurate way of staying relevant in the travel industry is by diligently checking reports and publications. My go-to resources are from the World Travel Organization (UNWTO), McKinsey, Deloitte’s “Future of Consumer” reports, Travel Weekly, and IBISWorld’s travel-industry analysis. These reports tell me almost everything I need to know about consumer behavior and economic impacts. 

It’s also really important to remember that travel doesn’t exist in a bubble. It’s affected by many geopolitical and economic factors. Things like political unrest, trade issues, or even global health crises can change how people travel. For instance, when there are conflicts in certain regions, it can lead to fewer travelers going there. That’s why I also keep an eye on related industries, like aviation and hospitality.

Jess Rodley, Bookings Director, Andorra Escapes

Learn From Your Clients

I’m in the professional coaching industry, and one strategy I’ve found effective for staying up-to-date with the latest trends is learning from my clientele every day. My personal development and industry expertise come directly from my clients. I see myself as a vessel, constantly learning from them, synthesizing key points, and sharing those insights with others as appropriate.

My expertise is built through a compounding network effect, having coached over 1,500 executives and speaking with dozens of leaders daily. This growth comes from three main sources. 

First, I regularly train with the best people I know, take their programs, and commit to continuous growth. Second, I look inward to uncover my own nuggets of wisdom and work to transform those insights into practical tools for my community. Lastly, I put my skills to the test by measuring how well I serve my clients, judging my success by the results they achieve in their businesses and lives.

Adam Klein, Certified Integral Coach® and Managing Director, New Ventures West

Implement New Techniques on Projects

In the arboriculture industry, my most effective strategy for staying current is what I call “root-to-canopy immersion.” This approach involves getting my hands dirty—literally. Every quarter, I choose a new tree-care technique or technology to implement personally on a pro-bono project. 

For instance, last spring, I volunteered to rehabilitate a heritage Moreton Bay Fig in a local park using the latest soil aeration and mycorrhizal inoculation methods. This hands-on experience not only keeps me updated but also provides invaluable insights into the practical applications and challenges of new trends. It’s one thing to read about sonic tomography for detecting internal decay, and another to wrestle with the equipment on a gnarly old eucalyptus. 

Moreover, this approach has created unexpected networking opportunities. During my volunteer work, I’ve connected with municipal arborists, researchers, and even local politicians interested in urban forestry. These connections often lead to collaborative projects and knowledge exchange that keep me at the forefront of industry developments.

Ben McInerney, Founder, GoTreeQuotes

Invest in In-House Skills Development

To ensure our team stays sharp, we implemented a comprehensive in-house skills development program. This includes regular training sessions led by outside industry experts, a digital learning portal with curated resources, and opportunities to pursue professional certifications. By investing in our team’s continuous learning and development, we can provide our clients with the latest strategies underpinned by best-in-class execution.

Brogan Renshaw, Managing Director, Firewire Digital

Engage in Hands-On Training And Mentorship

I’ve found that staying up-to-date with the latest trends in the electrical industry is best achieved by actively engaging in hands-on training and mentorship through our apprenticeship program. The electrical industry is constantly evolving, with new technologies, regulations, and best practices emerging regularly. 

By participating as a mentor in our apprenticeship positions, we can create a continuous-learning environment where both seasoned professionals and newcomers are exposed to the latest industry developments. We provide formal training and dedicated time to mentor and guide our apprentices. 

For example, I set aside a few hours a couple of times a week to train new apprentices. This hands-on experience allows me to share the most current knowledge and techniques while also learning from the fresh perspectives and questions that apprentices bring to the table. 

This strategy has proven invaluable in keeping our entire team, including myself, in tune with the latest trends. It ensures that we are aware of new developments and also apply them in real-world scenarios. This has allowed us to support a culture of continuous improvement and stay ahead in a competitive industry.

Tim Hodnicki, President, Electrical Experts