5 High-Demand IT Jobs in 2022

Obstacles Senior Executives Must Overcome when Changing Career When we talk about people facing a career change, we mostly think about younger people who have realized that their current careers aren’t offering enough or who made a wrong career choice. Unfortunately, they are not the only ones who want or need to jump ship. Even seasoned professionals sometimes change their jobs, but that comes with many challenges. If you’re one of them, take a look at the following list of tips on how to overcome such problems. Hurt ego It’s logical that senior executives feel loss of self-esteem and self-worth, embarrassment and shame. After all, they’ve reached a respectable position in their profession and are used to a managerial position. This problem is best overcome by keeping the “usual life” going (family activities, hobbies, etc.) and focusing on your worth outside of the job. You should also be open to learning new things and connecting and sharing the experience with other top executives in transition. Don’t be afraid to ask them for help! Losing resources You may not be used to doing the day-to-day administrative tasks yourself or you may lack some basic habits and skills for details and logistics. If you fall into that category, it’s time you learned new behaviors and organizational skills and started respecting the small tasks that support the whole process. You probably won’t get a high-end job Such jobs are much more difficult to find, and your search will definitely take longer. There are fewer opportunities at this level, which means you’ll need to be much more patient if you’re looking for such a job. That’s why you need to expand your scope, be more flexible and ready to relocate. You might want to take a short-term step back in title in order to eventually move forward. Alternatively, you could explore consulting or starting/buying a business. Feeling abandoned Another problem that senior executives face when changing career is that they feel left out, which leads to lack of self-confidence and self-esteem. Such a crisis of confidence can be very debilitating. One of the best ways to deal with it is to turn to experts in efficient career coaching, who can help professionals unlock unrealized strengths and pursue their limitless potential and who find themselves at a career crossroads and are unsure where to turn. Get in touch with right people Experienced professionals find it difficult to get through senior executives’ gatekeepers, especially since human resources can offer little or no help in this regard. You need to talk to hiring managers about how you can help them reach their business goals. Also, join and participate in executive networking programs, board or directors and venture capital groups. Call-in favors and get help from senior-level friends and colleagues. Age Chances are, you’ll be perceived as being too old or “washed-up”. Naturally, employers will fear that you won’t remain long at the company and will have their concerns about investing in you, especially if you don’t have technology skills necessary to thrive in today’s work environment. To tackle this problem, you should refocus on your exceptional qualifications, proven results and experience, rather than your age. However, you need to know the culture of the company: if there is no-one older than 40, you shouldn’t apply for a job there if you’re 65. Instead, target smaller companies that would appreciate experience, contacts and credibility and stay up-to-date and informed about your industry. Perception of others You might not be taken seriously as a job candidate or others may project their own fears onto you or be in denial or act dismissive. In those situations, you need to tell the story about your departure from the company and let everyone know that you’re ok with the situation. Be genuine, relaxed and humble. If you have a better understanding of the special challenges you’re facing and implement the solutions suggested above, you’ll significantly improve your job search results and decrease your level of anxiety and frustration. This should, hopefully, lead you to a successful career transition.

Organizations and businesses of all sizes and industries need information technology professionals for many different tasks. These can range from keeping internal networks running to protecting the organizations from outside threats. The IT sector has quite a few different jobs, but there are certain IT jobs in 2022 that are in very high demand.

IT Jobs in High Demand This Year

The top five IT jobs with the most demand in 2022 offer pay well into the six digits for anyone with sufficient experience and skill:

  1. Computer Programmer: These professionals write code that develops or enhances software solutions and applications. They often work on operating systems of various kinds. Knowledge of multiple programming languages is helpful.
  2. Database Architect/Administrator: These professionals are responsible for creating and then maintaining any software used to manage a particular database. They also make sure the data is something anyone who needs to can access easily. SQL, Linux, and Oracle skills are very useful.
  3. Information Security Analyst: Organizations need to emphasize security and privacy more and more with every passing year. Information security analysts create and then install security solutions to protect organizational networks. Experience with IDPS concepts, antivirus programming, firewalls, and patch management helps.
  4. Network Administrator: A professional in this role manages the daily operations of enterprise computer networks. LAN/WAN protocol knowledge is useful, and the position involves a lot of time dealing with both hardware and software. On-call availability is often a job requirement for system failures or emergencies.
  5. Software Developer: This is a job that handles coding, designing, and creating applications. Installation, testing, and maintenance also follow for projects that go far enough. Turning client requirements into practical solutions is what this job is all about.

Consulting Is Also Possible

IT consultant jobs are always an option for professionals in this particular industry. Some find that working on a project-by-project basis helps them maintain their enthusiasm and interest in their work, whereas others relish the challenge of constantly growing their technical skills by facing different problems with every consulting job they take on.

Benefits of IT Jobs

Many sectors are having trouble filling their positions right now, so they’re trying to offer all the incentives that they can. However, there are some perks specific to IT careers you can enjoy, as pointed out by SNHU.edu.

For starters, many tech careers don’t actually require you to follow a traditional path through higher education. IT degrees are available and can certainly help launch your career, but what IT employers are looking for more than anything are particular skills. Some of these you can learn on your own, and others are available through certifications. You can pick your best path in this industry. Classrooms work for many, but they’re not the only way.

The potential for an actual career ladder is also there. Many industries have entry-level positions galore but no real way for people to move up. Three of the five in-demand IT jobs listed previously start with six-digit salaries for those who have the basic skills to enter the respective fields. All of them offer six-digit pay for mid-level professionals with most of the required skills, and the numbers go up for people with all the requisite skills plus experience.

Another thing many IT professionals love is the flexible working conditions. Some IT jobs might require the traditional banker’s hours, but many don’t. In fact, many of them don’t even require you to go to the office that much, if at all. You can work from your living room or in another country.

You are also more likely to have the freedom to be yourself. Professional attire might be necessary at certain functions, but tech workers on a daily basis usually get away with t-shirts, jeans, and sneakers. Most of the time, the only thing that matters is the work being produced, so being able to stay comfortable is helpful.

Many IT jobs are in high demand, but some are more prominent than others in 2022. Landing one of these jobs can mean rewarding work and lucrative benefits and pay, but you could also choose to be a consultant instead.