The Importance of Branded Envelopes in Professional Correspondence 

After launching your startup months ago and brainstorming different marketing strategies for your new venture, you eventually opted for direct mail advertising. Indeed, you couldn’t have chosen a more effective product promotion method.  

Direct mail advertising excels over most traditional marketing methods, including posters and flyers, in its simplicity and cost-effectiveness. This marketing approach allows you to personalize your newsletters to address each recipient’s pain points.  

However, not all direct mail marketing campaigns guarantee returns on investment (ROI). For many entrepreneurs, the difference between success and failure depends on how the promotional messages are packaged. In some instances, it has much to do with the appearance of the correspondence envelopes.  

If your direct mail marketing hasn’t yielded much despite your concerted efforts, there’s a likelihood that you’re using plain envelopes. Now is your chance to spice up your marketing campaign by smartly switching to branded envelopes.  

Here’s everything you need to know about branded envelopes for professional correspondence. 

Free Mail Letter photo and picture

 What Are Branded Envelopes?  

Branded envelopes are essentially envelopes containing customized business information. Many alternative monikers, including personalized envelopes and printed envelopes, know them. 

Most branded envelopes feature a company’s name, logo, slogan, and contacts. Some larger envelopes may feature additional branding information, including social media handles, mission statements, and vision.  

In the ever-dynamic corporate landscape, branded envelopes have registered an exponential surge in popularity. The envelopes are predominantly used in direct mail marketing, although there are digital versions for email marketing.  

The growing need for branded envelopes has triggered a corresponding rise in the demand for envelope printing solutions, including industry leaders like Kiasu Print. is an online print-on-demand (POD) company that provides branded envelope printing services to accelerate business growth. The Singapore-based company also offers other professional branding solutions, including business cards, name cards, stickers, flyers, and folders.  

Free Airmail Envelope Airmail illustration and picture

What Are The Benefits Of Branded Envelopes?  

1. Increase Your Brand’s Awareness  

The era of corresponding using plain envelopes is far behind us, thanks to the emergence of branded envelopes.  

Branded envelopes have a remarkably high open rate compared to traditional envelopes. Even for first-time recipients, the mere sight of your company’s logo is enough incentive to tear the envelope and check out the enclosed newsletter.  

Besides, many people are likely to hold on to printed envelopes much longer, even after reading the enclosed message, further enhancing your brand’s image. That’s in contrast to plain envelopes, which are typically tossed into the trash as soon as they serve their primary purpose. 

2. Make Your Company Stand Out  

In the modern corporate landscape, where cut-throat competition is the name of the game, standing out from a crowded space is essential.  

Enclosing your mail in branded envelopes provides an excellent opportunity to make a lasting first impression.  

With custom envelopes, the first thing that hits the recipient’s eyes is your business name, logo, and contact information. Even if the person takes no further action immediately, the image of your company’s emblem and name will remain in their memory for a while. 

3. Timeless Marketing Strategy 

Plain envelopes have little aesthetic value. Once a recipient retrieves the message enclosed, the envelope quickly finds its way to the bin.  

Conversely, many will be happy to hold on to logo-bearing envelopes even after ceasing correspondence with your company. This ensures more people interact with your branding information, giving your business a timeless appeal.  

Besides, you don’t need to worry about accidentally getting the prints on your branded envelopes washed out. Pick a waterproof paper material and reliable printing technology, then watch your branding information shine through.    

Free Letter Job illustration and picture

4. Low-Cost Advertising Option  

Many companies allocate thousands of dollars to branding, never to recoup their return on investment. If you’re a fledgling startup operating on a shoestring budget, you may not have sufficient funds to set up a billboard on a downtown street or outsource high-end digital marketing teams. That’s where branded envelopes come in.  

A regular envelope starts from $0.7 apiece. Even if you factor in the printing fees, which can be as little as $0.3 per copy, you save significantly.  

The low cost of branded envelopes is also evidence of their timeless appeal. A single envelope can be seen by scores of people besides the original recipient, making your company more discoverable at no extra cost.  

5. Remarkably Customizable 

The reason it’s called a branded envelope is because you can get it printed with your custom business information. Fortunately, you can feature a plethora of branding information on a branded envelope.  

Branded envelopes should contain your company’s name, logo, and telephone number. Such information is typically printed on the envelope’s upper right corner, allowing you to address the recipient in the middle left section.  

You may incorporate additional information for larger envelopes (those measuring more than 110mm x 220mm), such as your company’s tagline and mission statement. 

Free Envelope Letter photo and picture

Final Word 

Switching to branded envelopes can reenergize your direct mail campaigns. This marketing approach allows you to target new clients while endearing existing customers to your brand. While it may have a slow take-off, it can guarantee hefty returns in the long run.  

Consider engaging a seasoned marketing agency if you struggle to leverage custom-printed envelopes to improve your brand’s awareness. The company will quickly audit your short- and long-term business goals before recommending the best ways to incorporate these customized envelopes into your direct mail campaigns. 

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