A Compassionate Guide: What to Do After the Loss of a Loved One

grayscale photo of an emotional woman

It’s hard to know what to do when a loved one passes. Whether it was expected or unexpected, the overwhelming emotions can make it hard to think clearly and to know what next steps to take. The following information can provide information for those who are going through the loss of a loved one and need to know what to do next as they start to work through everything. 

Get the Death Certificate

The initial step is to get the death certificate. It should be issued within a day or two of the person’s death, though it can take longer in some cases. This is going to be needed to settle all of the person’s affairs and may be needed by everyone from trust and probate lawyers to banks that may have to finalize paperwork to release the funds from the account to the executor. Even the phone company, electrical company, and other businesses may need to see the death certificate to close the person’s account. Get as many copies of the death certificate as possible from the start, as it can take time to get more if they’re needed later. 

Start Making Notifications

It is important to start making notifications before news starts to spread, especially if the death occurred in a way that might be reported in local papers. Avoid providing notification via text or posting on social media, at least at first. Take the time to notify the person’s closest friends and family members in person, if possible, or by calling them. Only post on social media or use other methods like email to reach those that you couldn’t contact another way or to share the information so those you don’t know can find out about the death. 

Secure All Assets

It is recommended to secure all assets like the person’s home immediately after their death. Make sure everything is locked up and consider moving any valuables to a more secure location, like a bank safety deposit box, until the estate is settled. It is important to make sure nothing is taken before the estate is settled, as the person’s will or local laws may dictate who is able to have certain items or assets. Make sure the home is in good shape and that it is secure to prevent burglary or other potential issues. 

Start Settling the Estate

When someone dies, if they have a will, that should be followed to ensure their wishes are upheld. If they do not have a will, they are considered to be intestate, and the state laws surrounding probate will come into play. It will be important at this time to work with a lawyer to make sure the estate is settled properly. Settling the estate involves splitting and distributing the assets to make sure they go to the correct person based on the will or probate laws. A lawyer will help make sure everything is done properly and can help if there are any issues. 

If you’re dealing with the death of a loved one, it can be challenging to know exactly what to do. Make sure you have the right help through this time and that you have support as you navigate the new reality. Working with lawyers can help you during this challenging period to make sure your loved one’s wishes are followed and that there are no issues for you to handle.