Employees Keep Getting Sick? How to Improve the Health and Wellness in Your Office

photo of woman holding her head

Employees getting sick is one of the worst things that can happen to your office’s productivity and even morale. Not only can just one sick person get the rest of your team sick, but not having an employee-friendly sick policy can cause frustration and even the best of your staff to quit and find work elsewhere. 

You need to care for the health and wellbeing of your staff. Only when people are at their best, can they give you their best. With that in mind, make sure you either have, or plan to have, these top health and wellness features in your office: 

Deep Cleans 

Cleaning is the best way to keep germs and disease at bay. It’s also how you can make sure your office remains a comfortable and relaxed place to work and accomplish tasks. How often you hire commercial cleaning for your business will depend on how many employees are in the office. For example, a weekly deep clean may suffice if you are a small unit, while large offices with heavy footfall will need more regular cleaning – even every night. 

Allow “Slightly Sick” Employees to Work from Home 

One of the biggest follies that managers can make it insisting someone who is feeling under the weather come in anyway. The problem with this approach is that while yes, those employees who feel slightly sick can likely get their work done just fine. 

However, their neighbor might catch that virus, but their body isn’t as prepared. Suddenly, they’re sick and out for the count. 

The viral period of any illness happens when symptoms are just starting. You can minimize virus transmission by allowing employees to feel a little rough to work from home (so long as it’s not constant, and they continue to perform well at home) and keep your workforce healthy. 

Provide Healthy Snacks and Regular Drinks 

Do you want your staff to continue to work well throughout the day? You need to fuel them. Provide healthy snacks packed with slow-release protein and nutrients to keep their brains at full power all day. Another way you can do this is to provide juice on top of tea and coffee. 

Think beyond caffeine and sugar. Think health. 

Support Mental Health 

There are so many ways that you can support your staff’s mental health: 

  1. Subsidize or include therapy in your health coverage 
  2. Offer mental health days off 
  3. Work with employees to find the right working environment 
  4. Be a hybrid workplace 
  5. Provide ongoing managerial training 

Choose the last option if you can only provide one of those options. A great boss keeps top talent, while bad bosses can actually harmng their team’s mental health. They improve the working conditions tenfold and help improve their teams’ mental health and morale. 

Help Your Staff Keep Moving 

One of the easiest and most beneficial perks you can provide your staff is the space and time to stretch, meditate, and relax. For example, you can set up a yoga room. Include mats, and show stretch tutorials in a playlist. This way your team can go and relieve any kinks or aches from sitting at their desk when they need. 

You can even lead full yoga sessions as a perk on Fridays, for example, giving your staff a way to shake off the strain of the week.