Fitness Training – Encourage Your Kid to Do Physical Activities for Their Health and Well-Being!

The overweight problem in kids is palpable worldwide, and the scene is not any different in the UAE, where about 1/3rd of 10 to 17-year-olds are battling with obesity or being overweight. In most cases, a sedentary lifestyle is the common precursor. Data shows that not even 50% of kids do the recommended one-hour medium-intensity physical activity daily. It’s alarming. The health consequences of obesity are already well-known. Before it’s too late, parents should take a concrete step in this direction to protect their kids from debilitating illnesses and prepare them for a brighter and healthier future. How do you ensure this?

Healthcare experts in the UAE stress that children should spend active outdoor and indoor time for their overall health improvement. While many schools offer different types of physical activities for kids, engaging them in sports and fitness is necessary even at home. And it has to be an organized effort. Therefore, hiring someone for personal training can be a good idea. Look for fitness centers that offer in-home trainers for kids. In the UAE, you will have many options. However, you can pick them based on their offerings.

  • Health and fitness training options for kids

Swimming, football, and kickboxing can be exciting choices. Since children like water, it can be the easiest way to attract their attention and keep them physically engaged. Health experts also believe that swimming is a competitive and non-competitive sport. Hence, you can appoint a trainer for your kid to fulfill their leisure or athletic needs. Swimming can be excellent for their cardiovascular strength. It calms their auditory and visual systems, allowing them to feel relaxed. If your kid shows interest in football, you can approach a trainer to help him thrive there. The fast-moving game demands players to stop, start, run, change direction, and jump, contributing to their cardiovascular health. Plus, defensive techniques build their stamina and speed. Their eye and hand coordination can drastically improve because of the active involvement of motor skills.

Or do you want something more agile? Kickboxing classes can be considered then. Urban parents have started enrolling their kids in kickboxing training because it contributes to children’s endurance and strength. The rhythmic and continuous footwork, kicks, and punches provide them stability and flexibility.

  • Reasons kids need to do physical activities

It’s a well-known fact that health issues like obesity stem from a sedentary lifestyle. You can safeguard your child’s well-being by providing ample opportunities for them to be physically and mentally agile. Whether they choose to swim, play football, or kickbox, their physical and mental endurance levels will soar. They will also learn invaluable life skills, such as the importance of teamwork, coordination, and socialization, further enhancing their overall health and well-being. 

Parents often ponder how to spark their children’s interest in exercise naturally. If you heed the advice of child psychologists, you’ll realize that the power is in your hands, as children often mimic their favorite adults. Therefore, you can take the lead and start training in kickboxing or other suitable fitness programs at Don’t fret about going to the gym! A personal trainer can assist you.