This guide shows top AI generation tips and tools for small businesses
Since unveiling its DALL-E 2 image-generating software in the summer of ’22, OpenAI and its rival big AI developers have driven the technology forward in a so-called “arms race.” At the same time,
established tech giants pursue a “land grab.” Meanwhile, smaller indie developers echo the trend,
turning out countless new AI-powered apps and services daily, hoping to dominate their corner of
the market. Everyone else looks on, trying to figure out what has changed and what is next.
The panicky language used to describe the past 18 months is understandable. Overnight, generative AI bots have popped into everyday use, promising to complete creative tasks and administrative chores in an instant with just a brief, natural language prompt. People aren’t sure if they’re next to lose their jobs or if they should already be benefitting more from what these tools have to offer.
But this panic is also a symptom of the hype. Cut both away, and small business owners are
confronted with simple, powerful tools for executing complex tasks in a minimal timeframe. And
sure, embracing generative AI at work takes a change of habit and a bit of learning. But AI tools are
built to be both intuitive and actively helpful. That is part of their power.
OnDeck wanted to demystify generative AI and lay out how it can become an effective part of the
daily life of a small business. , they created an infographic, exploring the small business value of text, image, video and voice AI. OnDeck included examples of the most widely used generative AI tools — describing what they are and how to best use them in a small business.
Here’s a preview showing the dos and don’ts of generative AI: