How Can You Really Increase Your Chances Of Business Success


When it comes to business, nothing is guaranteed. Sometimes incredible companies and ideas fail unexpectedly, and other times, completely inexperienced entrepreneurs can build up multimillion-dollar companies from their own bedrooms. When even massive companies like Blockbuster can fail, it shows just how delicate things can be. However, with that being said, it still makes business sense to be as prepared as you can possibly be. Going into things with a plan and in an organized way will boost your chances of success, even if success can never be guaranteed. The last thing you want is to have genuine business ideas that could have done well but failed due to a lack of care or knowledge. Here are some of the ways you can bump up your chances of doing well.

Get educated

Gaining a qualification in a business-related subject such as these on Business Directory is a good start to your journey of becoming a company owner. This will provide you with plenty of background knowledge and information on the subject which can be invaluable. You could either go to university and study full time, or if you’re already working full time and want to change careers then study part-time from home. There are lots of online colleges and universities these days that allow you to study in a flexible way, which is useful if you’re unable to leave work for years. That way, you can study around your current job, and leave once you’ve gained your qualification and are ready to move on. You will work your way through several different modules which explain how different areas of business are run and give you plenty of knowledge that will be useful when you’re setting up your own venture.

You can also create your own Business Vision Board in order to establish exactly what your goals and objectives are. By educating yourself beforehand, you’ll increase your business’s chances of success and minimize the probability of any mistakes. At the end of the day, mistakes cost money, and any new business can’t afford to lose valuable capital due to errors. A vision board can also help you to stay motivated and remind yourself of what you’re working towards.

It is important to remember that education doesn’t just stop there. It is vital that you continue to learn and grow your own knowledge and skills, while running your business. This should become the culture of your business, and encouraged with every employee, contractor or business partner that you work with. If you are all learning and growing, your business will skyrocket. 

It will not only help you run your business and conduct your jobs with ease, but it will also help your business stand out from the competition, as you will become an authority and a thought-leader within your industry. Whether it is executive development at the top of the hierarchy, to ensure strong leadership is being echoed down the business, all the way to training your customer service staff to go above and beyond, there is value in educating throughout your entire business enterprise. Learning should expand from the skills and knowledge about the industry, to all the systems, processes and frameworks that your business has. If you keep learning, your business will continue to flourish.

Gain experience

Before establishing your own company, gaining experience in a related industry can provide valuable insights. Working in a similar field allows you to understand daily operations, customer management, and business strategies. For example, if you plan to run a sportsbook, working in a business that utilizes specialized sportsbook software for managing customer bets and odds can teach you how these systems work and how to ensure accuracy and efficiency in transactions. This hands-on experience helps you build a solid foundation for your own venture.

If paid positions aren’t available, consider internships or voluntary work, which can still offer substantial learning opportunities, especially if you are studying full-time. By working in areas such as customer service, inventory management, or staff coordination, you gain exposure to various aspects of running a business. Just be careful not to choose a direct competitor, as this could present conflicts of interest. Gaining this experience early on will help you navigate challenges and operate your own business more effectively. 

Use Recognized Teachers 

Employing or hiring recognized teachers in your offices to educate your staff on certain topics and for team building can increase your chances of business success. By using guest speakers with an abundance of external skills, such as; people skills, IT skills, or sales skills, you can ensure all of your team are educated in the skills most important to your business

Furthermore, investing in teachers, such as Natalie Chase, who are nationally recognized allows you to broaden your team’s skill set. Teachers have to have people skills and have a huge background of knowledge of different communication styles. Therefore, training your team in these forms of communication will enable you to have a wider client base and succeed within your business. 

Save money

Starting a business is expensive. You need money to set up a website and have an app created. You need to rent premises, you need to buy equipment. Then there’s money for things like hiring staff and insurance. That’s before you’ve even bought the stock or materials you’ll be selling. Many businesses have to utilize loans in the beginning, which is doable but it does mean you’ll be starting out in the red. It could take some time to start turning a profit meaning you’re falling further behind as you’re paying interest on the loans. One of the best things you can do if you know you’re setting up a business in the future is to save. Even if you do still have to use loans as well, you won’t have to borrow as much money so the interest will be lower and it will be much more manageable. Having a buffer or emergency fund is also essential, this will allow you to keep on trading even if you run into trouble a little later on. Some extra money can allow you to keep going, and hopefully get back on track, instead of falling at the first hurdle.

Budget correctly

As well as saving money for your initial setup, and keeping some aside for emergencies- you need to make sure that the day-to-day runnings of your business’s finances are being handled correctly. You need to be careful not to overspend, but also not scrimp on things that are important. Start trying to save money on things like your website or marketing for example, and you could end up jeopardizing your entire operation. Know where to spend and where to save. Plan ahead of time and know exactly where each penny your company has needs to be spent. You could speak to a financial advisor who will be experienced in running these kinds of ventures and be able to keep you on track.


In business, networking is everything. Having a good network of other entrepreneurs and clients who are likely to be interested in your venture can help you to grow, even before establishing your business, network. Attend events such as those hosted by, take social media and contact information and chat about the business you plan on setting up. That way, later down the line when everything is up and running, you have contacts who are likely to be interested in your services- or know others who are. Building up good interpersonal relationships with other business owners can also help massively as a new company owner. Ask for help when you need it, if you have others who have already set up and been successful, then often they’ll be more than happy to give you advice.

Use the right software

Running a business in the modern world means you absolutely have to be up to date with technology. If you want to keep up with your competition and prevent wasting time and money, then you need to find software that is right for you. Business software can be used in just about any area of your company from building out Salesforce to boost sales, to accounting to legal to HR and more- even tasks such as SEO campaigns can be run with software such as, and even basic online tools like these best URL shorteners ranked by effectiveness. These kinds of programs make tasks much quicker and easier, they save time and therefore money. Why pay an employee to do a day’s work manually when a computer can do it in seconds? You could choose a program that’s already available or have a software designer create something bespoke for your business. Either way, the right technology and software are key to your success as a company owner and are something to plan for.


Finally, as a business owner, it’s easy to feel the weight of the world on your shoulders. But you don’t have to do everything, there are lots of areas of your business that you can outsource to third party, professional companies. It’s often worth doing this in areas where your workload fluctuates, that way you’re not hiring and paying an employee full time when there’s not full time work available. As the boss, you will be responsible for overseeing the work from the different departments of your company, for areas you’re not confident in, you could outsource. By doing so, you know the work is always going to be done to the highest standard. You don’t need to personally check or oversee things which can free up time for you to get on with other tasks. In some cases, you might have to outsource out of necessity, but could go on to have the process in-house later.

For example, if you are selling products online then you may want to outsource and get help with Amazon EDI Integration. This will take some pressure off of your shoulders and ensure that the EDI compliance complexities are left up to the experts to handle and manage.

Take manufacturing for example, in the beginning chances are you will need to have your products manufactured by a company that already has everything in place. But later down the line when you’re turning a profit, you could look into creating your own plant. While there will be significant costs upfront to do this, overall, you’ll save yourself money since you won’t have to pay another company to work for you.

There are plenty of stories of people who set up businesses with no experience and go on to do well. However, there are even more cases of them failing- and even established businesses failing and so it always pays to be prepared. Spend time, it could even be years, planning and researching and getting ready to open your doors. That way you prevent yourself from making a silly mistake and failing over something that could have been avoided.

What have you personally done ahead of time to make sure your business has the greatest chance of succeeding?

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