How to Build Adaptability in the Workplace

The workplace is almost always changing. Whether it is from the hiring of new employees, a merger, or the creation of new positions, it may seem like things are always on the move. To keep up with the constant change, it is important to practice adaptability in the workplace.

What is adaptability?

Adaptability is the ability to adjust to different situations. You can practice adaptability by staying calm and not letting stressful changes impact your daily workflow. For example, if you get moved to a different team, you can practice adaptability by quickly and calmly adjusting to the new situation.

Adaptability is a skill that encompasses a multitude of different skills and traits. A few examples of these include:

  • Empathy
  • Respect
  • Creativity
  • Positivity
  • Flexibility
  • Communication

By focusing on building and strengthening these skills, you can ensure that you are able to adapt to even the most challenging situations.

3 ways to build adaptability at work

More often than not, change is inevitable. Because of this, it is important to work on improving your adaptability skills so you can effectively deal with change in the workplace. Follow along to learn how you can build adaptability at work.

1. Don’t be afraid to ask questions

If you are experiencing a change in your workplace, you might feel the urge to keep certain questions to yourself. This can lead to uneasiness and make you question what your future work life is going to be like. 

To solve this, schedule meetings with your managers and coworkers to get your questions answered. This can help clear up any confusion you may be feeling. With the proper information, you can focus on adapting to whatever change you’re experiencing.

2. Practice effective communication

A rapid change in the workplace is a great time to work on improving your communication. As everyone adapts to their new situations, it is a good opportunity to practice empathy. Workplace changes often affect numerous individuals, so it is important to know you are not alone.

By practicing effective communication, you can build a stronger bond with your coworkers, offering them support and any other help they might need. As a group that effectively communicates, you can help navigate your changing situation together.

3. Stay positive

During times of overwhelming change, it is easy to fall into a negative headspace. It is important to resist this feeling and focus on practicing positive thinking. This can help you reduce stress levels and increase productivity.

To help stay positive, you can talk through negative thoughts with a friend or colleague. It can also help to celebrate yourself and your teammates after achieving any significant work tasks. If you keep a positive mindset, you will be better equipped to tackle any stressful changes in the workplace. 

For more tips on how to practice adaptability in the workplace, check out this helpful infographic.

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