How to Hire a Great Leader

Hiring leaders is one of the most pertinent challenges in the business world, primarily because there’s a misconception about leadership. There’s a common belief that leadership is all about authority and exercising it. However, the truth is that the best leaders know that their powers come with responsibilities and that they can’t exercise their authority whenever it pleases them.

If your organization has been struggling with finding great leaders, this post is for you. Read on to know what you can do to excel at hiring effective leadership for your business.

Know the most critical leadership skills

Before you start the hiring process, it’s important that you’re aware of the leadership skills that can truly make a difference.

Time management

Leaders should serve as role models when it comes to managing time and prioritizing tasks. They should also be able to reflect on their past mistakes and commit to improving on them in the future.


Communicating with employees is one of the most vital tasks for any leader. To do it well, leaders need to be good listeners, communicate their thoughts and ideas clearly, and also interpret written communication.

Task delegation

A leader should understand when to delegate tasks and how to delegate them. Sometimes, leaders may be required to delegate authority as well, and in this scenario, leaders should be able to identify leadership skills in employees.

People management

Managing people in a business setting can be challenging. This is due to the fact that employees typically collaborate and compete with each other in the same space. Leaders are required to understand employees’ personalities and also inspire them so they prioritize collaboration ahead of the competition.

Write a high-quality job description

When searching for leaders, it’s important that you write a quality job description that describes exactly what your organization is looking for. The description should consist of the following information.

The roles and responsibilities

What’s the role that you want the leader to play in your organization? And what will the responsibilities be? This information should be clearly stated in the description.

The requirements

Once you’ve stated the roles and responsibilities of the leader, it’s time to move on to the requirements, i.e. the qualities that applicants should possess. For instance, problem-solving skills and the ability to identify training requirements could be two of the skills you mention here.

Organize leadership tests for shortlisted candidates

After your job description goes public, you’re bound to get numerous applications. Before you finalize a candidate for the job, it’s recommended to test the candidate’s leadership skills. You can do this by organizing a leadership test. Shortlisted candidates will have to appear in this test and the one who comes out on top gets the job. Some of the benefits of organizing leadership tests include the following.

Avoid hiring biases

A leadership test will help you steer clear of biases during the recruitment process. Biases can often lead to poor recruitment as they are not based on facts and figures. However, when you hire leaders based on their test performances, the hiring takes place on the basis of merit.

Hire qualified leaders

Understanding aptitude is imperative before hiring leaders, and a leadership test will allow you to pinpoint candidates who possess the required aptitude for the leadership role.

Reduce recruitment costs

A test simplifies the shortlisting and hiring processes. Without a leadership test, you may have to spend a lot of money on reaching out to candidates and evaluating them.

So, these were a few tips on how you can hire a great leader for your organization. We recommend putting them into practice as soon as you can for the quickest results.


If you follow these tips and integrate a good strategy for employment, you will have a greater success rate and a positive outcome.