How To Keep The Workplace Looking Good For Clients

The workplace is a space that’s not just for the benefit of the employees. It’s also something that many clients will enjoy when they come in to visit the space. Whether it’s visiting the workplace for the first time upon agreeing to project collaboration, to coming in for their regular meetings with staff, a company appearance is integral to improving relationships.

How does a business improve upon its workplace appearance? Here are some top tips that a business can benefit from when focusing on it.

Have a regular cleaning schedule

A regular cleaning schedule is key. It’s something that any business should have in place, regardless of how small the organization might be.

The cleanliness of a building is one that’s become even more important since the pandemic of COVID-19. Everyone is a lot more conscious about carrying germs and how those germs are passed on from pillar to post.

Anything from the reception area to the bathroom must be well-sanitized when it comes to communal spaces. Ideally, there should be someone checking and cleaning these spaces every few hours, especially when it comes to the bathroom areas.

Invest in good flooring and paintwork

A great way to keep the space looking good is by investing in the best quality flooring and paintwork. Yes, it sounds like a boring part of the overall look of a place but it makes a real difference.

After all, seeing scuffs and dirty floor marks is not going to give the best impression of something that’s well-kept.

Using epoxy flooring, for example, is a great way to keep any floor looking fantastic, despite the amount of footfall and heavy traffic that can often come with some spaces. This is particularly relevant for those businesses that move around a lot of equipment and furniture on a day-to-day business. However, if your office doesn’t have heavy equipment movement, then other types of commercial flooring will do just as well and bring a great aesthetic appeal to the space.

Educate the staff on maintaining a clean workspace

It’s important to educate the staff on maintaining a clean workspace. It’s important that staff enjoy the space they work with and equally, treat the workspace as if they would when it comes to their own homes.

Simply keeping their own desk spaces clean is a good rule to enforce to all staff, no matter how high up they may be in the workplace hierarchy. 

Incorporate brand colors into the space

Brand colors are important because they help clients to know exactly where they are as soon as they’re in the building. It’s most helpful when the clients may be new and are attending the building for the first time.

Make sure staff are well dressed where applicable

Finally, make sure staff are well dressed where possible. This is important to help show that every detail is being maintained, including the way that staff presents themselves around the workplace.

These tips should all be helpful in finding that focus that’s needed in keeping the workplace looking good for clients.