ChatGPT entered Ukrainian IT in February 2023 though it was launched earlier. The world had enough time to test it and find out how it works. Some left amazed by the results AI generates; others felt worried about being replaced by it. Sergey Tokarev, SET University founder, and Roosh co-founder, defines AI as a powerful instrument every creative specialist needs to master.

Sergey Tokarev has always been for artificial intelligence and machine learning development in Ukraine. He has foreseen the great leapfrog in IT but could only consider it to happen slowly. Nobody could expect AI to develop and grow so rapidly. Since ChatGPT reached the Ukrainian market, the investor has never stopped saying that IT experts must learn how to use it and give up thinking of being replaced by it.
“This powerful AI breakthrough that we are witnessing today happened very quickly. And this is only the beginning since technology keeps on developing. Currently, artificial intelligence solves simple tasks, but in a few years, it will show truly impressive results. Soon, we won’t be able to know for sure whether our interlocutor is a real person or an artificial intelligence unless we see them right in front of us,” says Tokarev.
The Roosh co-founder states AI is a complement to human intelligence. We need to treat it as a powerful tool, not a competitor. It takes time to dive into the AI algorithm to understand how correctly to formulate your prompts to get what you need. Otherwise, the machine will analyze your request generally and superficially.
“First of all, of course, you need to define the process to which you want to apply artificial intelligence. When you already understand what you want from it, the most important thing is to comprehensively formulate a prompt, that is, to describe the idea of AI-generated text, image, or code,” explains Sergey Tokarev.
According to the businessman, AI can be used in many areas as an assistant who processes and systemizes data quickly by saving you time. Data search, customer support, assistance, and other areas can include AI, as it learns pretty fast and can generate accurate results. Yet, many artists are worried, and the investor supposes that AI can replace some of them. But if you are a true expert, you will have your job and manage Artificial Intelligence.
Like any other smart development, there are some questioning moments about AI. Sergey Tokarev underlies the most pressing challenge, which is the ethical one. From this perspective, some questions arise: Can we use publicly posted photos when working with AI? Or, if the authors of the images or drawings you used for the dataset have a claim to it, do you have to delete it? In this case, ChatGPT is limited ethically.
The investor believes this situation will change soon, especially in private companies where they will create their own system and cover their local needs. Another issue is related to a legal system that, in reality, doesn’t exist for such a development of AI. If it harms a human, who will be responsible for it: an AI developer or a user? This and other related questions have no answers yet.