The Difference Between PE Teaching and Fitness Coaching?

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Learning Physical education is different from learning how to be physically fit. Physical education, or “PE”, teachers focus on helping students learn about and develop the skills they need to be physically active and healthy throughout their lives. Fitness coaches, on the other hand, focus on helping people reach specific fitness goals, such as losing weight, becoming more muscular, or running a faster marathon. Teaching and fitness coach can come both when needed especially when you are enrolled in some physical activity courses. You can find more here in this article.

What is a PE Teacher?

A physical education teacher is a teacher who specializes in teaching students about physical activity and health. PE teachers often teach classes such as Gym, Health, and Physical Education (HPE). These classes help students develop lifelong physical activity habits and an understanding of how to live a healthy lifestyle.

What is a Fitness Coach?

A fitness coach is someone who helps people reach their specific fitness goals. Fitness coaches can work with people of all ages and abilities, from kids to adults and from beginners to elite athletes. Fitness coaches use a variety of techniques to help their clients reach their goals, including strength training, conditioning, and nutrition coaching.

Which one is more Educated?

There is no clear answer when it comes to who is more educated, as both PE teachers and fitness coaches can have a variety of educational backgrounds. However, most PE teachers will have at least a bachelor’s degree in physical education or a related field, while most fitness coaches will have some form of certification from an accredited organization. So it really depends on the individual and their specific education and training.

What are the benefits of having a fitness coach?

There are many benefits to working with a fitness coach, including:

-A fitness coach can help you set realistic and achievable goals.

-A fitness coach can create a custom exercise and nutrition plan that fits your specific needs.

-A fitness coach can hold you accountable and help you stay on track.

-A fitness coach can provide motivation

Is it better to have a fitness coach than a PE Teacher?

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question. It depends on your individual needs and goals. If you are looking to develop lifelong physical activity habits and an understanding of how to live a healthy lifestyle, then a PE teacher may be a better fit for you. If you are looking to reach specific fitness goals, such as losing weight, becoming more muscular, or running a faster marathon, then a fitness coach may be a better fit for you.

Can my PE Teacher be my Fitness coach as well?

Many PE teachers are also qualified as fitness coaches. However, not all fitness coaches are PE teachers. It is important to find a coach who has the experience and expertise to help you reach your specific goals.

So, what is the difference between a PE teacher and a fitness coach? A PE teacher focuses on helping students learn about and develop the skills they need to be physically active and healthy throughout their lives. A fitness coach, on the other hand, focuses on helping people reach specific fitness goals. There is no one-size-fits-all answer to the question of which is better. It depends on your individual needs and goals. Many PE teachers are also qualified fitness coaches. However, not all fitness coaches are PE teachers. It is important to find a coach who has the experience and expertise to help you reach your specific goals.

​​How can  P.E teachers learn and enhance their skills?

  • Attending workshops and conferences offered by professional organizations.
  • Reading professional journals, such as the Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance (JOPERD) or the International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology (IJSEP).
  • Getting certified by a professional organization, such as the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS) or the American Council on Exercise (ACE).
  • Taking courses offered by private organisations, such as Physical Education Resources and Lesson plans, that UK-based P.E Scholar provides hundreds of high-quality teaching resources, saving you hours of planning time and helping you to create outstanding lessons that inspire and motivate students. Courses range from £99-£149.
  • Attend online Webinars on various P.E topics offered by different organizations such as The Association for Physical Education (afPE) which is a free webinar for members only, however, non-members can access it by paying £25.


In conclusion, both PE teachers and fitness coaches play an important role in helping people lead active and healthy lives. However, they have different focuses, with PE teachers typically focusing on teaching students about physical activity and health, and fitness coaches typically focusing on helping people reach specific fitness goals.

So if you have ever wondered what’s the difference between a PE teacher and a fitness coach, now you know!