The Joy of Music: How Playing an Instrument Can Be Fun

people at concert

If you’re considering picking up a hobby, learning to play a musical instrument is a fun option. Making music is a wonderful skill to have—not only will it bring joy to your life, but it also brings joy to others. Here, we’ll discuss the best reasons to learn how to play.

Increased Intelligence

One of the biggest joys of learning to play is a natural increase in cognitive ability. When you consider buying a Gibson—or any other instrument, for that matter, you embark on a path toward increased memory retention and better learning.

Making Friends

If your circle is small enough to look like a dot, taking music lessons and learning how to play will help you meet like-minded people. When you’re around others who share a love for music and learning, you’re more likely to form friendships that can last an entire lifetime.

Relieving Stress

It’s well-known that music calms the mind and the soul. It has beneficial effects on blood pressure and heart rate, lowering them and making us feel calm, happy, and relaxed. Music releases serotonin and endorphins, which make us feel happier and better overall. If you are looking for natural stress relief, pick up an instrument. 

Personal Pride and a Sense of Achievement

Being good at things is a real ego-booster—remember how great you felt when you won a contest or passed your driving test on the first try? Mastering a musical instrument brings the same feelings of achievement. Nailing that tricky guitar solo will make you proud—and happy, too.

Building Confidence

Adding to the point made above, knowing how to play an instrument will make you feel more confident in other areas. If you’re unsure of your abilities in everyday life, use the processes of playing and learning to build confidence. Those who are comfortable playing instruments in front of other people are more likely to be at ease everywhere else.

More Patience

Life moves so fast these days that it’s tough to be patient and delay gratification. Impatience is a leading cause of personal stress—which can spill over onto others. Learning and playing an instrument forces you to slow down because mastery takes time.

Better Memory

If your mind feels more like a sieve than a steel trap, it may need some external stimulation. Learning an instrument puts the mind to work, learning new things and forming new neural connections. By learning and mastering an instrument, your brain will get used to learning—which will serve you well as you age.

A Creativity Boost

Creativity in one area will inevitably benefit you in other areas of life. It’s fun to be creative, and trying new techniques with a musical instrument will allow your creativity to blossom. Whether you’re looking for inspiration at work, at home, or in a hobby, learning how to play an instrument will help you nurture it.

Pick Up an Instrument and Expand Your Horizons

Learning the guitar—or any other instrument—can be an enlightening, fun, and joy-filled process. Playing music brings benefits in every area of life, some of which can last a lifetime. When you want to bring more happiness into your everyday life, pick up an instrument. You won’t be able to wipe the smile off your face!