Top Trends of Company Culture in 2022


In 2022, the workplace is looking very different from what it used to be. With traditional working measures of working in the office 5 days a week, Monday-Friday being changed because of the COVID-19 pandemic and with more companies being relaxed about remote working measures, it can go a long way to help build a great level of company culture.  

Let’s explore some of the company culture trends that exist in 2022 and beyond. 

The evolving nature of workforce preferences and technology

The COVID-19 pandemic has forced businesses to adopt new technologies and ways of working rapidly. The changes that have occurred in the past year are only the beginning; the workplace will continue to evolve in response to changing workforce demographics and technological advances.

In just a few years, the traditional 9-5 workday will be a thing of the past as more people choose to freelance or work remotely. According to a recent survey of 1,000 employees in the United Kingdom, 55% felt that remote work doesn’t harm the company’s culture, while 85% of people aged 54 and above felt that a physical place of work is vital for a company’s culture. 

Thanks to flexible working arrangements, employees will have more control over their working hours and where they work. And as more companies embrace remote working, there will be less need for physical office space. How we communicate with our colleagues will also change, with instant messaging and video conferencing becoming the norm.

So what does all this mean for company culture? Well, while some employees will enjoy remote working frequently, others might not, so it is important for companies to make strategic decisions that suit all employees and give employees to perhaps work 3 days remotely and then 2 days in the office or vice versa. 

Employee engagement and motivation

In the past, companies have focused on providing employees with perks and benefits to keep them happy and engaged. However, this approach is no longer practical. In today’s world, employees are looking for more than just material rewards. They want to feel like they are part of something larger and that their work is meaningful.

The future of employee engagement will be about creating a sense of purpose and belonging. Companies will need to find ways to connect their employees to their mission and values and help them see how their work contributes to the bigger picture. This will require a shift in thinking from the traditional top-down approach to a more collaborative one.

By taking these steps, companies can create an environment where employees are motivated to do their best work and can feel proud to be part of the team. The result will be a more engaged and productive workforce that is better equipped to meet future challenges.


So, what can we expect in the future of company culture? Companies will need to be more inclusive in their policies and practices and focus on employee engagement and motivation across all demographics. 

Additionally, technology will continue to play a more prominent role in the workplace, with employees working remotely and using new tools to collaborate and communicate. All of this points to one thing: companies must focus on creating a solid company culture that supports diversity, innovation, and collaboration if they want to stay ahead of the curve in 2022 and beyond.