What To Avoid in a Virtual Job Interview

What To Avoid in a Virtual Job Interview

In our increasingly digital world, more employers are conducting job interviews virtually. However, you shouldn’t think that you can be less professional just because you don’t have to show up in an office. Instead, you must learn what to avoid in a virtual job interview so that you can impress the hiring team.

Not Preparing for the Interview

One mistake you must avoid is going into it unprepared. In fact, you have even more preparation to do when interviewing remotely. You need to learn about the company and its services, get your answers ready for common interview questions, and set up the video conferencing software that the company uses.

You should ensure that the software can run on your computer or smartphone and that you know how to use it before your interview begins. You can even do a test meeting with a friend to make sure everything works well. Otherwise, your potential employer may view your lack of preparation as a negative.

Not Dressing for Success

Although a video conference platform is a more casual environment for an interview than an office, you shouldn’t wear clothes you would not wear to work. Instead, one of the best tips for acing your virtual interview is to dress professionally. Break out your best business clothes so that the interviewer will be happy you went the extra mile for them.

Picking a Bad Background

During your virtual interview, the camera shows your appearance and the environment behind you. You’ll want to tidy up your background and make it look neat. Otherwise, a messy background can project the image that you are unprofessional and don’t care about the impression that you make.

Not Relaxing During the Interview

Any job interview can be nerve-wracking, but you need to do your best to maintain a sense of calm and not go too fast when answering questions. Also, keep an eye on your body language—you don’t want your body movements to become too distracting to the interviewer. Instead, try to sit comfortably and act naturally to make a better impression.

When you avoid these mistakes in a virtual job interview, you will be more successful in your interview. You’ll be better at developing a rapport with your interviewer and presenting yourself as a worthy candidate for the job.