Why Being Your Authentic Self is Always the Best Business Decision

Did you know that starting a business can vastly improve your life? Just think about it for just a moment; it’s a wonderful way to have some fulfillment; it’s a great way to give yourself a nice push, and on top of that, you’re getting out of your comfort zone. Plus, if you fail, you’ll always come back stronger. But here’s something to think about for just a moment: authenticity. Now, a lot of businesses, particularly content creators (influencers, YouTubers, streamers, bloggers, etc.), will put on an act. 

They aren’t being themselves, but rather, they’re being fully filtered, or they’re playing a character. It’s wild to think, in a way, especially since these people are so built up on having a parasocial relationship. But sometimes, you’re far better off just being authentic, just being you, and yes, just being who you are right now. So, with that said, here’s exactly why you, as a business owner, should do that rather than put on some act! 

How Do You Find Your Own Authentic Voice?

Well, there needs to be this balance of authenticity and privacy; as a business owner, your goal is to run your business; while yes, sometimes you can share your thoughts and feelings, you’re still far better off having a filter. So, with that said, how can you create this balance of being benign and authentic, all the while still being open, too?

Embrace Your Story

Your story is unique, and it’s what sets you apart from the competition. So that’s why sharing the journey that led you to start your business helps customers connect with you on a deeper level. So, you might want to talk about your inspirations, challenges, and the moments that made you realize your passion. it can really help to just start sharing some of these snippets of your life; you’re inviting people into your world without revealing everything. But just remember, authenticity doesn’t mean exposing every detail; it’s about being genuine in what you choose to share.

Show the Human Side of Your Business

So, you have to keep in mind that people love doing business with people, not faceless corporations. Chances are, you feel the same way, too, right? So, just by highlighting the human side of your business, you can build a strong connection with your audience. So, you might want to just go ahead and share behind-the-scenes looks at your workday, introduce your team, and celebrate your successes and milestones. 

These glimpses into your business life show your personality and values, making your brand more relatable. It’s like letting people peek behind the curtain—just enough to see the magic without revealing all your secrets.

It’s All About Transparency

Now, this one is obvious, but it doesn’t matter because it still deserves a bit of attention! Now, with that said, honesty is a cornerstone of authenticity. When you communicate with your customers, be clear and transparent. If you make a mistake, own up to it and explain how you’re fixing it. More than enough stories are circulating online about how a business lies to its customers. 

Do you seriously want to be like that? Is it worth getting an embarrassing story like that? If there are challenges or delays, let your customers know what’s going on. This level of honesty builds trust and shows that you respect and value your customers. It’s not about airing all your dirty laundry but rather about being straightforward and trustworthy in your interactions.

Create Authentic Content

The content you share is a powerful way to showcase your authenticity. Now, this is the best way to show that you’re truly being you. It’s up to you how to make this content, of course; maybe it could be blog posts, social media updates, or newsletters; make sure your content reflects your true voice. 

It’s also going to be super helpful to just write as you speak, and don’t be afraid to show some personality. But of course, be sure to also share your insights, opinions, and the things you care about. Authentic content resonates with people and fosters a genuine connection. And remember, it’s okay to have a bit of fun with it—your authenticity shines through when you’re genuinely enjoying what you do.

You’ll Still Need to Maintain Boundaries

By all means, yes, while it’s important to be authentic, it’s equally important to maintain boundaries. So, you need to just go ahead and decide what aspects of your personal life you’re comfortable sharing and what you’d prefer to keep private. It’s perfectly okay to have parts of your life that are just for you. 

Again, you’re a professional; you’re a business, so no one needs to know anything about your personal life; there’s no entitlement! So, with that said, setting these boundaries helps you stay true to yourself while ensuring you don’t feel exposed or uncomfortable. Authenticity isn’t about oversharing; it’s about being real in the areas you choose to share.

How to Create this Parasocial Bond Through Authenticity 

Creating strong connections with your audience is more important than ever. One powerful way to do this is through building a parasocial relationship. While yes, it’s one-sided, it’s fine as long as you’re still being authentic and not taking advantage of your audience. Actually, this relationship can foster loyalty, trust, and a sense of community. Here’s how you can build a meaningful parasocial relationship with your audience.

Give Out Freebies and Do Something Special for Them

Seriously, you doný want to always do the whole “buy this from me” or “I’m selling this to you” or constantly ask for something. To a degree, even contests aren’t enough; besides, people question if those are even real or just a ploy to take data; anyways, it’s going to help to look into this and keep this in mind. So, why not go with freebies and gifts? For example, some businesses will host a free workshop or a meetup or even head to a tradeshow and will give their followers and trusted customers freebies. 

So, for example, you’re going to a tradeshow, and on social media, you let your customers know. You can tell them to come to the tradeshow to your booth, and they can prove that they’re following you, or you can even share a special code on your newsletter or social media because then only your followers and subscribers would know, and then you give them a grab bag. This is merely an example, but in general, if you’re hosting anything or plan to have a meetup, by all means, you should give them something, too. 

For example, you can give out grab bags, like a tote bag, and these can have some branded stuff on them, such as custom drawstring bags, water bottles, mini spa kits, coupons and vouchers to your business, and whatever else your customers would like. But this relationship can’t always be one-sided. Sure, Taylor Swift and Beyonce can do it, but they have a massive platform, and you’ll still need to provide something. 

Share User-Generated Content

Your customers are some of your best advocates. This is exactly why sharing user-generated content—photos, testimonials, reviews—can create a sense of community and belonging. Plus, people adore it when their content gets shared! So, when you highlight your customers, you show that you value their contributions and experiences. This not only builds a stronger connection but also encourages others to engage with your brand. Plus, seeing real people enjoying your products or services makes your brand more relatable and trustworthy.

Always Show Your Appreciation

Regularly showing appreciation and gratitude can go a long way in building a strong parasocial relationship. No matter what, you should always thank your customers for their support, acknowledge their feedback, and make them feel valued. It’s really up to you how to do it, but honestly, you’re always better off going about this in multiple ways. 

So, for example, it can be through a heartfelt social media post, a thank-you note, and/ or a special reward; these gestures of gratitude show that you care about your customers. When people feel appreciated, they’re more likely to remain loyal and connected to your brand.

You Need to Stay Relatable 

The whole point is to stay authentic because if you’re authentic, it usually means that you’re relatable, too. For example, you could share tips and advice, entertaining stories (that are relatable), or insightful articles; make sure your content reflects your brand’s personality and values. 

But in general, you just need to speak to your audience’s interests and needs and don’t be afraid to show a bit of your own personality. When your audience finds your content valuable and relatable, they’re more likely to feel a personal connection to your brand.

You Have to Prove You’re Reliable

No one likes it if someone just falls out of the face of the Earth; you just can’t do that. Sure, a hiatus is fine, but that needs to be announced. So, with that said, just remember that consistency is key in any relationship. So, you’ll have to regularly update your social media, blog, and other communication channels. 

Keep your audience informed about new products, upcoming events, or any changes in your business. But overall, reliability builds trust and ensures that your audience knows they can count on you. When your audience sees that you’re consistent and dependable, their connection to your brand strengthens over time.