10 Key Delegation Lessons from Successful Entrepreneurs

In any workplace and in any industry, effective delegation skills are considered essential.
But delegation skills are complex and require a high degree of emotional intelligence and a
strong understanding of the skill base within an organization. It is not enough to simply pass
on responsibility from senior management down the command chain.

The right people need to be chosen for delegated tasks, which requires an open mind about
every team member and what they’re capable of.

Without this, companies will struggle to hire people with the skill sets needed to deliver
results and, ultimately, what everyone is chasing — growth.

OnDeck recognizes the value of delegation skills within a business and has drawn together
10 key strategies from famous entrepreneurs.

Whether you are an aspiring start-up founder, a CEO or even a team manager in your field,
read on to see how the world’s most successful business leaders manage responsibilities in
their teams.

The original post can be found on OnDeck