5 Rules for Getting Healthy and Glowing Skin

Naturally, glowing skin is something most people want, yet how do you achieve it? The good news is getting a natural glow is easy as glowing skin means healthy skin. By making a few lifestyle changes and adjusting your skincare routine, you can improve skin health while achieving a radiant look, and consulting a skin cancer dermatologist can help monitor and protect your skin. Get started with these five simple tips.

Develop a Comprehensive Skin Care Routine

Finding the right skin care may take time, but it’s a worthwhile endeavor. Knowing your skin type will help, as oily, normal, and dry skin all require different types of care. Whatever type of skin you have, use a mild cleanser, avoid harsh chemicals, and use natural ingredients when choosing skincare products. Exfoliate your skin several times per week to get glowing skin. 

Exfoliation removes dead skin cells that lead to dull skin and other undesirable looks. Use a peeling face mask once a week to smooth skin texture and even skin tone.

Become Friends with Broad-Spectrum Sun Protection

Sun exposure is one of your skin’s worst enemies, leading to premature aging. Protecting your skin from UV rays is essential. Always apply sun protection when outside, even if you use a foundation containing it. To avoid aging skin, squamous cell skin cancer, and other skin conditions, apply sunscreen with a minimum of SPF 30 to all exposed areas, including the neck and around the eyes. If you want to develop a nice tan, it is important to choose the right time and weather conditions, when UV index is not too high, to evade sunburns and skin damage. When UV levels are exceptionally high, try to stay in the shade or wear a hat to cover your scalp.

Consume a Healthy Diet

You are what you eat. Sweets and processed foods are bad for overall health and skin tone and texture. Healthy eating may reduce skin issues. High sugar intake can accelerate signs of aging. Foods like white bread, rice, and sugar may increase skin inflammation. 

Choose foods rich in nutrients, essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants to keep your skin healthy. Look for foods with high levels of Vitamin B2, Vitamin B6, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, and Vitamin E, plus omega-3 fatty acids and zinc. Mushroom food supplements, can benefit the skin as a result of myriad functions: anti-stress, antioxidant, and immune system booster. 

Adding mushroom recipes to your diet can contribute to healthier skin.  Your diet should include whole grains, plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, nuts, avocadoes, olive oil, and other healthy fats, and lean proteins like fish and chicken breast. 


Don’t forget to drink plenty of dietary water as it is essential for human skin hydration.

Reduce Stress

Stress impacts your body in many different ways, including your ability to ability to achieve glowing skin. It interferes with the body’s processes producing chemical responses that make skin more reactive and sensitive, leading to skin diseases and skin problems. It elevates cortisol to produce oily skin, making it more prone to acne. Stress can aggravate eczema, psoriasis, and rosacea and may also trigger skin rashes, hives, and fever blisters.

Manage stress by doing the following:

  • Exercising
  • Practicing mindfulness and yoga
  • Thoroughly winding down before sleeping at night

Not getting enough sleep also affects stress. Make sure you get seven to nine hours of sleep whenever possible.

Visit Your Doctor for Chronic Skin Problems

Although the tips mentioned above will help you work toward radiant skin, some issues need attention from medical professionals. Address underlying issues through regular medical care and treatment from a doctor. The practice of providing proper medical care and aesthetic treatment can help with problems such as acne scars, discoloration, skin disorders, and other impediments to healthy skin. Consult your doctor if you notice:

  • Slow-healing wounds
  • Persistent skin infections and rashes
  • Skin changes that indicate squamous cell skin cancer
  • Sudden, severe skin irritations

Achieving a skin glow takes some work. Note that healthy skin doesn’t necessarily mean flawless skin. Work toward achieving your best self, and your skin’s radiance will follow.

Author’s BIO: Lori Wade is a journalist from Louisville. She is a content writer who has experience in small editions. Lori is currently engaged in news and conceptual articles on the health and beauty industry. You can find her on LinkedIn. Hope you appreciate Lori’s useful insights!