5 Things to Look for When Hiring a Healthcare PR Agency

A healthcare PR agency is one of the most important institutions you’ll work with throughout your healthcare journey, and, as with all things related to medicine and health, choosing the right one is incredibly important. Whether it’s coordinating your treatment plan or reaching out to the doctors you need, there’s nothing a great PR agency can’t do, so keep reading to find out how you can decide how to hire the best agency for your needs.

  1. Experience

The first and perhaps most important thing to keep in mind when you’re looking for a great agency to work with is experience. The healthcare industry is a large one, and, slowly but surely, a few main players have arisen in every city in the United States. To make an impact in the industry, you’ll need to work with a healthcare public relations agency that has a large portfolio of work with proof of positive results for past clients. This way, no matter what complications come your way, your agency will have some form of experience handling it, and this experience will come in handy throughout your career.  

  1. Strategy

PR is all about using a lot of different strategies to find the one that works best for your business, and this means that you’ll have to consider a lot of different points of view when you’re finding the best agency to hire. Some prefer a digital-first approach, while others are more interested in combining a slew of different methods like advertising in person, combining testimonials, and using the main figures in your healthcare facility to grow your reputation and keep you above any problems and controversies that come your way, so make sure to pick the one that feels best to you.

  1. Understanding of the law

The healthcare industry is one of the most heavily regulated fields in the entire world, and that’s especially true for the United States, which is why it’s integral that the company or agency you’re working with has an advanced understanding of the regulations surrounding healthcare, and even some lawyers that specialize in this work. If your agency makes a mistake in handling the public relations of your company by seemingly brushing over an issue or concealing the truth, whether intentionally or not, the federal or local government will fine you a severe amount, which is catastrophic for any business. 

  1. Networks with other professionals

The healthcare industry needs a lot of different experts and professionals, whether they’re in corporate, on the front lines dealing with patients, assisting physicians by nursing or accounting and keeping track of patients, or even handling law. This means that you may always be on the lookout for more expertise or organizations and companies that can help you with an issue you’re having, whether it’s coordinating a marketing campaign, figuring out software solutions, and more. A great PR agency will have all of these contacts for you to work with, opening up more doors than you ever thought possible so that you can reap all of these benefits.  

  1. Digital capabilities 

The world runs digitally, and people all over the world get their news and information about new companies through the Internet. This means that any agency you work with should be able to adapt to trends online and perform all of the public relations work it needs to with speed and enough of a clear strategy to be effective across social media accounts and websites you may have set up. Without a sufficient digital presence, all of your public relations efforts may fall flat since a great deal of the people you’re trying to reach out to will have no exposure to your company.  


Healthcare PR agencies are integral in the battle for making medicine more accessible to the public, as well as in ensuring you’re getting as much of an advantage as you can in the market. A great agency may be the difference between limited success in the industry and going to great heights in the blink of an eye, which is why you need to be very particular when you’re choosing an agency that’ll handle all of your public relations.