6 Career Options for Those with A Degree in Social Science

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After receiving a degree in social science, aspirants specializing in the domains of human behaviour, society, and culture have a wide range of career opportunities at their disposal. Not only this, but social science students often study various disciplines, including political science, human geography, anthropology, archaeology, communication science, linguistics, etc. Social science is a dynamic and ever-evolving field. On top of that, the overall employment of social science occupations is expected to grow by 7% by 2031. This fast-paced growth promises high-paying and stable employment prospects for social science students. 

Graduates from this diverse field develop highly valued and in-demand skills such as emotional intelligence, effective communication, critical thinking, etc. Such skill development offers them a competitive edge over other candidates in the job market. 

Now, let’s discuss several lucrative career options for social science students. 

  1. Human Resources Analyst

An outstanding occupational choice for graduates of social science is human resources (HR). These graduates naturally succeed in various HR-related fields thanks to their solid grounding in human behaviour and complex interpersonal relationships. They’re skilled at identifying talent, developing successful employee training programs, and resolving disputes by drawing on their in-depth understanding of human psychology. 

They’re also crucial in fostering a positive work environment and ensuring workers feel acknowledged, respected, and supported, in turn boosting engagement and retention rates.

  1. Public Relations Specialist

Public relations specialists oversee the organization’s interactions and communications with the public, the media, and numerous stakeholders. Their main professional objective revolves around creating and maintaining a favourable public perception of the company. 

Public relations specialist is a highly lucrative field with earning potential ranging from $33,000 to $68,000 yearly. Nonetheless, academic credentials matter when it comes to earning potential. Pursuing a bachelors in social science can prove worthwhile in this regard. Higher education instills essential skills and capabilities alongside keeping students updated on the changing norms and practices.

After earning a higher education, students can work in public relations firms, business communications, nonprofit organizations, government, healthcare, education, entertainment, technology, travel, and more.

  1. Urban/Regional Planner

A career in urban or regional planning can prove highly rewarding for social science graduates who want to improve communities and the natural environment. These experts are essential in creating carefully planned urban environments to fulfill community needs and requirements. Urban and regional planners develop comprehensive strategies for land use, transportation systems, and ecologically friendly expansion, all customized to each community’s characteristics. They collaborate closely with governmental organizations, consulting firms, nonprofits, and private development companies. However, most urban planners prefer private companies over government organizations.

Social science graduates are well-suited to addressing equity and social justice challenges in urban planning. Their core responsibility lies in establishing communities that can house a variety of population types by advocating for affordable housing, open access to public services, and equitable development using their understanding of inequities.

  1. Applied Behavior Analyst

Applied behaviour analysts (ABA) work with people with developmental difficulties. Their main objective is to implement behavioural science-based principles to encourage positive behavioural changes that ultimately improve their client’s quality of life. The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) forecasts that the employment of behaviour analysts will increase by 22% between 2016 and 2026, which is substantially faster than the average for all occupations.

To understand behaviours, gather information, and spot trends and triggers, ABA specialists conduct detailed examinations. This way, they can develop customized intervention strategies catered to the client’s needs. Positive reinforcement and behaviour modification are two strategies used by ABA to promote positive behaviours and address problems. This strategy enables people to grow, realize their potential, and improve their well-being, which is especially helpful for individuals with autism. Interventions are also tailored to the client’s developmental stage, strengths, preferences, and goals to promote gradual but consistent improvements.

Hospitals, behavioural health facilities, autism centers, special education schools, and other settings often hire ABAs. Their knowledge is equally crucial in residential communities, early intervention programs, and school districts, where they monitor and control behaviour and foster skill development. 

  1. Environmental Social Scientist

To comprehend and address the complex interactions between people and the environment, environmental social scientists are at the forefront of this field. Their work focuses on analyzing the complex relationships, effects, and outcomes of human activity on ecosystems and developing plans to encourage sustainable habits and protect the environment. They work across academia, nonprofits, government agencies, and consulting firms.

These professionals take a multidisciplinary approach and examine the social, cultural, economic, and political forces that affect how people behave and impact the environment. They reveal how human behaviours like industrialization, urbanization, and consumption habits contribute to environmental changes by exploring the intricate web of relationships.

Additionally, environmental social scientists examine industries and human activities to evaluate the ecological effects on air, water, biodiversity, and climate. Their research informs policies that balance development with ecological protection and promote sustainable solutions by working with politicians, businesses, and communities. 

  1. Cultural Anthropologist

Cultural anthropologists carefully study nations, cultures, and human behaviour to piece together the worldwide complex web of human existence. Cultural anthropologists thrive in academia, museums, research institutions, and nonprofits. They also consult on business projects, advise the media, and contribute to international organizations.

Fieldwork is crucial to their methodology and enables them to directly engage and work with communities. They examine social customs, familial relationships, economic systems, religious activities, and other cultural elements to determine their impact on society. 

At higher career stages, most cultural anthropologists advocate for cultural preservation and traditions facing extinction. 


Social science is a vast field of study offering aspirants various lucrative career paths. Nonetheless, earning relevant academic credentials is crucial to a stable career in any social science subfield. This dynamic field encompasses various domains, such as anthropology, management science, political science, human geography, and whatnot. So, if you’re striving for a promising career in social science, know that you can specialize in several disciplines. From public relations specialists to human resource analysts, environmental scientists, and cultural anthropologists, you can venture into your chosen field.