8 Important Kotlin Libraries for Android Developers

Kotlin has taken Android app development to the next level. It offers concise, expressive, and safer code compared to its other programming languages like Java. To make the most out of this versatile programming language, developers often rely on libraries that simplify common tasks and enhance productivity. 

We will explore eight of the best Kotlin libraries for Android developers that can streamline your development process and improve the overall quality of your Android apps.

1. FlexboxLayout:

FlexboxLayout is an efficient layout manager library for Android. It simplifies the creation of complex UI designs and follows the Flexbox model to create responsive and adaptive user interfaces.

It helps you to create intricate layouts with ease, such as horizontal and vertical alignment, text wrapping, and equal distribution of UI elements. It’s a valuable tool for crafting user-friendly interfaces in your Android apps.

2. Anko:

Anko is another library for Android that simplifies common tasks by offering a DSL (Domain-Specific Language) for development. It reduces the boilerplate code you often encounter when working with Android’s standard libraries.

The library provides concise alternatives for creating layouts, working with intents, and managing dialogue boxes. It can significantly increase the productivity and readability of your code.

3. Kotlin Coroutines:

Kotlin Coroutines revolutionized asynchronous programming in Android. They allow developers to write asynchronous code in a sequential and straightforward manner that will eliminate callback hell and callback complexity.

The library will allow you to perform background tasks, network requests, and database operations with ease. It helps in managing threads and improves the responsiveness of your Android apps.

4. KBinding:

KBinding is a data-binding library that simplifies UI updates based on data changes. It promotes a reactive programming style by automatically synchronizing data with the UI. You can bind UI elements directly to your data models which reduces the need for manual updates. The library enhances code maintainability and reduces UI bugs.

5. RxKotlin:

RxKotlin is an extension of the popular RxJava library, adapted for Kotlin. It provides a powerful reactive programming paradigm that simplifies handling data streams and asynchronous operations in Android apps.

RxKotlin’s observables and operators allow you to work with complex data flows, making it easier to manage events, user interactions, and data transformations. It’s a valuable asset for building responsive and interactive apps.

6. KAndroid:

KAndroid is a collection of Kotlin extensions for Android that simplifies common Android tasks. It offers a wide range of utilities to enhance the Android development experience.

With KAndroid, you can simplify tasks like working with views, preferences, and resources. It promotes clean and concise code, reducing boilerplate and improving code readability

7. ktlint:

Code quality is crucial in Android development, and ktlint is a Kotlin linter that enforces consistent coding style and conventions. It checks your code against a predefined set of rules and provides feedback to help you maintain a clean and consistent codebase.

ktlint can be integrated into your Android project’s build process, ensuring that your code adheres to best practices and coding standards. This library promotes code consistency across your development team.

8. klaxon:

Klaxon is a lightweight JSON parser for Kotlin, designed to simplify working with JSON data in Android apps. It offers a clean and intuitive API for parsing JSON and mapping it to Kotlin data classes.

With Klaxon, you can effortlessly handle JSON serialization and deserialization, making it easier to communicate with APIs and manage data in your Android applications.

Author Bio:

Gourav Jain is an Android app developer at Simpalm. He always enjoys the challenge of exploring complex technologies. With more than 11.0 years of work experience in web, mobile, and healthcare technology, he has used multiple programming languages like- .Net, Silverlight, Java, Android-Kotlin, SQLite, PHP, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, etc. throughout his career.