4 Things To Do Today To Improve Yourself

The idea of improving yourself can mean anything to anyone, based on each person’s unique life experiences and perspectives. Usually, it implies doing something different for the benefit of your person. If a new year is rolling around, you can take that as a cue to begin something new. You do not have to wait for an arbitrary date on a calendar to find a way to build upon the great person you already are. Start something new today, and see what comes tomorrow.

1. Learn Something New

Knowledge comes in a variety of forms, and gaining information is a way to stay fresh and relevant. Learning new things can be life-saving, entertaining, and good for your overall health. 

One thing everyone should learn and refresh throughout their lives is CPR. Find a free CPR certification course and get started today. This is a skill that can prove essential in any walk of life. Whether you are out to dinner with your friends or family, on a vacation abroad, or at work, unfortunate emergencies occur, and knowing what to do can actually save a life. Once you have taken the class, add it to your Linkedin profile, and resume, and then to your calendar with a reminder to update it as appropriate.

Do not stop there. Keep going to expand your knowledge repertoire. Look for things you always thought were too difficult, and give them a try. Find a teacher or a guided tutorial online. Go back to your youthful dreams and learn French. Once you do, book a trip to Paris!

Watch this video for insight into why you should learn a new skill.

2. Turn off the TV

It is time to take a break from the endless streaming options available today. Of course, this is often the go-to when you need a break – binge the latest season of your favorite show with some delicious food and drinks. It is a passive activity that does not usually lead to any real growth. Sure, it is entertaining and gives you something to chat about with friends, but it does nothing to improve yourself.

Instead of turning on a device, pull out a good book. If you do not have one, take a trip to a local bookstore or the nearest library. Renew or apply for a library card. Chat with the librarian for good book recommendations and then put a few on hold. Look into different genres to find the style of book that intrigues you, whether that is a gripping thriller by J.D. Barker or a swoon-worthy romance novel. Once you have found the right book, find a quiet place to sit and read. Perhaps it is in the midday sunshine at the park, at a nearby coffee shop, or curled up with your favorite furry friend at home. 

Allow yourself to explore new words. If you do not know a word while reading, grab your phone and look it up as a way to improve your vocabulary. You can also explore new worlds and cultures. Who knows, you may be inspired to travel to a destination you are reading about or try a new hobby based on a character’s interests. Maybe you can join a book club. Reading opens up many opportunities once you start.

3. Find a Way to Exercise

Some people get up early every day and hit the road for a run or go straight to the gym for the latest workout. If you are one of those people – good for you! Make sure you keep going. If you are not that motivated but want to get started, great for you, too.

The best way to start exercising is to, of course, begin. But how to go about it, you may wonder. 

  • Find a Time – Determine if you are a morning person. If so, set your alarm early enough to fit in your workout of choice. Factor in the logistics of transportation, etc., if they will play a role in your timeline. If you are not a morning person, sit down with your schedule and figure out when you will actually exercise without pushing it back, becoming too busy, or simply too tired. Now schedule that time into your calendar as you would any other important appointment.
  • Find a Workout – If you like to run, look up some couch to 5K programs online or in your area for training guidance and motivation. If sweating at home is more your speed, there is a virtual wealth of online classes that are free or available via monthly membership fees. With these formats, you can usually choose from a host of classes that range from yoga to HIIT workouts so you will have a variety and reduce boredom.
  • Stick with It – Once you begin exercising, you may find it difficult or frustrating, especially if you have not done it in a while. Do not give up! Invite a friend to join you for fun, socialization, and accountability. If you falter, do not allow any negative self-talk. Instead, keep your next workout appointment and get back to it. Make small, achievable, and realistic goals to make you feel good about yourself.

4. Perform an Act of Kindness

Doing something for someone else is for them, but it is also for you. When you give of yourself, with your time, talents, or money, you will feel good about helping. The benefits do not stop there, however. 

Helping someone other than yourself gives you a chance to move beyond your current sphere of thinking. You can shift your focus elsewhere to assist with the task at hand. In the process, you may meet some wonderful new people, find new professional networking opportunities, and learn a new skill.

At the end of the day, you are busy, and that matters. Even if you do not have enough time to volunteer like you think you should (go ahead and wipe that notion away, kindness comes in many forms), simply taking in a neighbor’s trash bin or picking up a piece of litter will make a difference.

Life moves at a rapid pace with work and responsibilities. Remember to allow time to do things for yourself, whatever they may be. Take them on as ways to improve yourself and expand your skill set. Create new habits for success. Remember to have fun while you are learning.