Self-advocacy in the workplace means that you have the ability to express your needs and wants to your employer or boss so you can get the most out of your job. For example, if you want a raise it can be nerve-racking to ask for one, especially if you have never done it before. Learning how to effectively advocate for yourself will help you be successful in your career as well as the rest of your life. Whether you want to bring up an issue you are having, or ask for better treatment, having the skills to advocate for yourself will ensure that you can bring these things up to your job without feeling nervous or taken advantage of.
Advocating for yourself in the workplace is a commonly overlooked aspect of preparing for a career, and you may not learn how to until you already have a job and are forced to bring things up to the higher-ups at your company. If you want to learn how to communicate your needs to your employer, here are some tips to get you started.
Know Your Worth
Before you ask your employer for a request, whether it be a promotion, raise, workers’ compensation, or more responsibilities, you need to be able to easily and clearly explain to them what value you bring to the company. Start by making a list of all of your responsibilities, then think of all of your achievements and the valuable qualities you have displayed during your time there. Concrete evidence like statistical data or comments made by clients is always helpful for clearly making your case.
Be Confident
When you ask your employer for something, you don’t want to do it in a way that makes it seem like you don’t actually believe in it. Your employer will be less likely to think you deserve a raise or promotion if you don’t seem like you believe it yourself. You need to build your self-confidence before speaking to your boss. Try practicing what you are going to say, either by yourself or with someone you trust. You should also try to come up with counterarguments to anything they may deny about your claims.
One way to boost your confidence on the day you make your request is to make sure you feel good about your appearance. Wear your favorite, but professional, outfit, do your hair or makeup, and do anything else you think is going to make you feel like the best version of yourself. Self-confidence can be faked, but it is very difficult to convince others that you believe in yourself if you truly don’t. Before asking your boss for anything, make sure you’ve done everything you can to believe in yourself and your worth.
Form Genuine Relationships at Work
Being good at your job is one aspect of moving up in a company, but it is also important to show your value on a personal level too. You want to go out of your way to build good relationships with your colleagues, this way people recognize that you are a team player and a hard worker. If people at your company already see your positive contributions on a day-to-day basis, it will be a lot easier for you to convince your employer that you are deserving of a raise, promotion, and more. It is one thing to claim that you are valuable to a company through numbers, but having the trust and respect of your coworkers goes a long way.

Roni Davis is a writer, blogger, and legal assistant operating out of the greater Philadelphia area