Everything You Want to Know About a Leaf Mulcher

If you have trees in your yard, you may suffer the very same problem every autumn. The trees start shedding the leaves on your beautiful lawn and pathways, and you are too tired to gather these leaves manually. This is when you appreciate having the best leaf mulcher in your arsenal. It does not only clean the yard; it also helps to gather enough material for compost and cover your plants for winter colds. If you are not sure how this tool works and what you can achieve with it, this article is for you.

About a Leaf Mulcher

A leaf mulcher is a perfect tool for gathering leaves. It can be either handheld or standalone device that usually looks like a tube sucking leaves inside and cutting them into small pieces. You can use these leaves as a mulch to cover your garden for winter, especially fragile plants, against the cold temperatures. Yet, you can always just throw the mulch in the trash. The main target of the tool is gathering all the leaves from the yard and pavements.

How the Tool Works

Inside the leaf mulcher, you will find several sharp blades that cut the leaves into pieces. Sometimes instead of blades, there are strings. Apart from the tube sucking the leaves like a vacuum inside, you will see the bag or the box, based on the model’s specifics, gathering all the mulch. You can also use the tool as a leaf blower. The standalone mulcher sucks the leaves in the top and releases mulch from the bottom. No matter what you choose to do with mulch, you have to empty the bag after each session.

Types of Mulchers

There are different features that mulchers can provide based on the specific models. Yet, there are only 2 types based on the use. You may find:

  • The standalone mulcher is less mobile but can be used on large territories. They are popular choices for commercial use;
  • A handheld mulcher is more suitable for personal needs. It is portable, and you can easily gather all the leaves from your yard.

You may also find the difference based on the power type:

  • Electric is less mobile since it needs a power cord, but it can cut even small branches. They don’t need fuel;
  • Gas-powered are mobile. They need the gas for the work, so you have to make sure you have enough of it for your yard.

What to Consider When Buying a Leaf Mulcher

Now that you’ve finally received the basic knowledge about this tool and how it works, let’s talk more about its main features and what to keep in mind when buying it. Numerous factors may change your opinion about the product on the market. Here they are:

  • Blades. Almost all mulchers have blades installed inside. They are sharp and made of durable metal. Pay attention to them since there may be a time when you need to change them. Make sure that they are waterproof and will not get rusty mulching the wet leaves. Some models have the string trimming line inside or plastic blades. Although they all work for the private yard, the metal blades last longer and work faster;
  • Ratio of mulching. You can also know it as the reduction ratio. It reveals the number of leaves you will reduce and the mulch you will receive. For example, if the ratio is 9:1, you will receive one bag of mulch from 9 bags of leaves you have gathered. The standard ratio is 12:1. The lowest is 8:1, and the highest is 18:1. The higher the ratio, the smaller the shreds. You may want to pick the smallest shreds for the compost. You need the average size of the mulch on your plants. You don’t want it to turn into the compost too quickly since there will be fungus spreading around it;
  • Work capacity. You can choose the machine you need based on the movements per minute. Usually, the mulcher capacity reaches 175 and up to 500 cfm (cubic feet per minute). The higher the capacity, the faster it works and the more heavy-duty leaves it gathers. Yet, this number varies for the gas mulcher. They are more powerful than an electric one and provide up to 700 cfm. If you are looking for a mulcher for big areas, you may consider a gas mulcher with a high capacity level;
  • Different functions. The basic function of the mulcher is to gather leaves from the lawn and pavement. Another basic feature is to shred these leaves into the mulch, which you can later apply to the garden, make compost, or just throw away. Handheld mulchers can blow leaves into one pile in the first place before vacuuming anything. It saves your time;
  • Simplicity of use. Corded mulchers that work from electric charge are less heavy than gas models. They don’t need any fuel too. Yet, gas mulchers work fast, have greater capacity, and do not depend on electricity. You have to decide which type of fuel you want. Some electric models come cordless. All you need is to charge them before you start working in your yard;
  • Level of noise. Like all power instruments, the mulcher provides noise during its work. Electric models are not that noisy and usually produce 60-63 decibels. This is the standard sound of the speech. Mulchers running on gas provide up to 90 decibels, which is the usual sound of a busy street with traffic. Make sure your neighbors don’t mind the sound.

Mulchers for Everyone

You don’t need to have specific skills to work with leaf mulchers. Moreover, it eases your life significantly. All you need to do is pick the model you find the most helpful for your specific case. Use this article to check out all the types and features of leaf mulchers in advance.