Five Vulnerabilities That Affect Businesses In 2022

Every business needs to be mindful of problems and vulnerabilities that can exist internally and can be impacted by external factors. No business is immune to these vulnerabilities and this list is not the be-all and end-all of problems that the average company can encounter in their lifetime.

With that in mind, here are five vulnerabilities that affect businesses in 2022.


Cybersecurity has become an increasingly growing concern for businesses around the world. The more digital ownership businesses have online, the more vulnerable they become as a result. 

There are plenty of preventative tips that can help protect the business online but it’s a constant battle to strengthen those barriers against cyber criminals wanting to cause the company harm.

Cybersecurity Professional Training in Tennessee is a good way of tackling the threat of cybercrime. By training employees to know the signs and dangers that come with existing online as a business, it can help avoid the business from becoming a victim.

Cash flow and money management

There are many reasons why new businesses can fail in their first year. In fact, it’s a common problem that with 18.4% of private sector businesses in the US failing within their first year.

Cash flow can be a major influence as to one of the reasons why it can fall at the first year mark. With money management, not everyone has experience in managing business funds and therefore it can be challenging for some, more than it is for others.

Employee retention

Employee retention can be a fixable solution for those businesses that are willing to invest in their employees. There are some companies that end u picking the wrong people for the job and others that will secure the top talent but fail to keep them happy in their position.

Try to look at ways of securing employees for the long-term and that way, it can help to lower the rate of employees leaving the company. Employees going their separate ways from the business can only lead to delays and a lack of productivity due to needing a new hire recruiting.

Economic uncertainty 

It’s a very real problem at the moment with the impact of the pandemic being felt across the globe. There’s still a lot of economic uncertainty at the moment, which is why it’s important to be careful when it comes to spending.

It should be factored in when it comes to taking risks and being careful when it comes to allocating budgets. Economic uncertainty is bound to be a problem for many businesses in the next five years as recovery continues.

Supply chain issues

Supply chain issues can often crop up, especially when there’s a lack of communication. For some, the supply chain may not be able to sustain or cope with the growing demand that the business has for it. With that in mind, it’s best to choose suppliers who can scale up or down with the business and are effective in their communications.

With these tips, a business can continue to avoid the challenges that come with owning a business in 2022.