Guide To A Great Video Interview (Infographic)  

There are two types of video interviews: a typical face-to-face interview conducted in real-time using a video stream, or a pre-recorded interview in which each candidate will be asked identical questions and given the same amount of time to respond. The candidate’s responses are recorded for further review.

For many of the same reasons as conventional interviews, as well as for some unusual ones, all types of video interviews can be nerve-wracking. For example, it can feel stiff and unnatural while communicating over the internet since it can be more difficult to read body language and other conversational clues. Pre-written interviews can also put a lot of pressure on you because you only have a set amount of time to respond to each question and the interview is more like a presentation than a discussion.

Online video interviews are an excellent approach for clients and candidates to get to know one another since they provide everyone with the chance to connect well and present themselves as they would in a face-to-face interview.

You should always be well-prepared for interviews and have the means to leave a lasting impression.

Before the Interview

Pre-interview preparation is just as important as the actual interview, and there are a number of things you need to think about.

  • Research
  • Dress Codes
  • Prepare For The Interview

What should you expect during the interview?

This is your one chance to impress the interviewer because they are looking to hire people who will represent their organization. The client will be able to tell a lot about you by the way you carry yourself. Although the interview may appear more casual on video, always maintain a professional demeanor.

After the interview

Make sure to thank the interviewer for their time as the interview comes to a close. This is also your final opportunity to demonstrate your dedication to the position. Let the interviewer know that you are very interested in the position and let them know when you are available for additional interviews. Transparency is created, and the client can see how excited you are to work with them.

Check out the infographic below by One Productions which serves as a Guide To A Great Video Interview. 

Photo of the Remarkables mountain range in Queenstown, New Zealand.