How To Attract Employees In Warehousing And Distribution

Every sector has its own unique set of challenges when it comes to attracting and retaining talent. Warehousing and logistics are no different. Turnover in this sector can be high and HR departments need to put some strategies in place to meet these challenges. 

Common challenges in the industry 

High turnover of employees

A constant turnover of employees can cause several issues. High recruitment costs, resources spent onboarding and training, and productivity issues as new employees get up to speed on the role. 

Often, if work is considered low-skilled and is poorly paid, employees can move on frequently based on remuneration. 

Difficulty replacing employees

As employees move on or retire, it is becoming increasingly difficult to hire in younger generations. This is often due to poor reputation or this type of work or that it is not marketed to them in the right way. 

Reputable employers such as powRparts are a great place to further your career in this industry. 

Working hours/rotas

Post-COVID, many companies in other sectors are embracing remote and hybrid working for their employees. The warehousing and logistics industry can be 24/7 which suits some people but not others. 

Attracting and retaining employees

Improve conditions and career prospects

Where possible, companies should look to provide the best pay they can afford to their warehousing and logistics employees. But it’s not just a paycheck that employees leave, also look at what you provide in terms of: 

  • Bonuses and benefits 
  • Healthcare plans
  • Regular communications with line manager 
  • A say in important decisions within the company
  • The opportunity to give regular feedback
  • Recognition
  • Mentoring
  • A clear career path through the company should they want it

Create a workplace for the future

The sector is currently full of Gen X, who are getting much older and these people aren’t being replaced. Attracting younger talent is becoming increasingly difficult due to several factors. A large part of the problem is the PR challenge. People don’t realize how sophisticated, clean, and safe the sector is today, they are still clinging to old stereotypes. Change your PR and recruitment to: 

  • Visit local schools and careers fairs with up to date information
  • Create profiles of successful employees 
  • Offer student placements in all areas of the business as part of their educational requirements
  • Introduce automation where possible in order to be able to offer a more flexible hours package. This is particularly important in attracting talent

Final thoughts

The warehousing and logistics area is going to continue to experience high turnover rates if companies don’t change tactics and do things the way they have always done. 

To get the next generation of talent into the sector, companies need to really look at what they are offering and adjust their employment packages to make working there more attractive. This isn’t always a monetary issue, but workers deserve a louder voice within companies and will often stay if they know that they are recognized and rewarded and can see the next stage of their advancement through the company.