How To Build A Personal Brand On Instagram

Instagram has changed the way we share moments with one another, and it’s a great way to build a personal brand. If you want to learn how to build an Instagram following from scratch, this guide will help. 

Here are 10 ways that you can use your account to showcase who you are and what you do:

1. Showcase What You Do

To start building your personal brand, you should set up your Instagram account in a way that displays the things you are best at. This can be done by showing off what you do and how it’s done. 

It is also important to showcase the people behind your work so that followers can get to know more about who they’re following. To get more and more followers, you should follow the Instagram guides from The Techno Tricks. You should also share photos of yourself working on projects or hobbies but don’t forget to include images of others doing their thing as well. 

2. Show Behind-The-Scenes

Show your audience what you do, the process of what you do and how you do it. The best way to show this is by posting behind-the-scenes photos from your shoots and shoots with clients. 

You could also include images of the people that work with or for you on shoots. This will let potential clients know that you have a great team and are capable of producing high-quality work in any situation.

3. Post Your Best Work

When posting pictures, you need to be sure that they are high quality and relevant to your niche. Posting images with poor quality or irrelevant content will not showcase the value of your brand so you must post only the best of what you can offer. 

Here are some tips for posting great photos:

  • Use a consistent style: If possible, try to use a consistent color palette and style for all of your posts. When people follow an account on Instagram, they want to see consistency in what they see from one day to another so that it feels like the same person is behind all of those posts.
  • Create new content regularly: The more often someone sees something from a particular account on Instagram, the more likely he/she is going be interested in checking out other photos from this same account too because those familiar faces make everything feel safe and comfortable.

4. Embrace The Process

There is a lot of pressure on us to produce great work, but sometimes it’s good to remember that the process is what makes our work special. The process itself is what makes you unique, and it’s why your work stands out from the rest.

To build a personal brand on Instagram, you have to be able to embrace the process. You need to understand how important it is for you as an artist or photographer and then share that with your followers through photos and videos.

5. Have A Consistent Theme

Consistency is key

Even if you don’t have a immediately obvious theme, it’s important to be consistent with how you present yourself on Instagram. A theme can help you stand out among the noise and show what makes your brand unique.

You can use your theme to tell a story, whether it’s one of growth or transformation, or even just how much fun you’re having with your own life. Your story doesn’t need to be serious or deep, it simply needs to stay focused on what makes you great.

6. Include Quotes

Quotes can be inspirational, funny or motivational. They can connect you and your audience on a deeper level. You can also use quotes in the captions of your photos to make them more relatable and memorable for others who see them.

A lot of people are scared to include quotes in their images because they think that it will look cheesy or out of place. But don’t let this stop you from doing something that could help build credibility for yourself.

7. Go Instagram Live

  • Share your work in progress. Use Instagram Live to give a behind-the-scenes look at what it takes to make something, like the process for making an app, or share how you create your products and services.
  • Answer questions from followers. If people have questions about your products or services, answer them on Instagram Live so they can see how knowledgeable you are about the topic.
  • Ask followers for feedback on your work. Whether it’s a new product or service launch or even just an idea that you’re trying out before sharing it with the world, ask people to comment, rate and provide feedback on what they think of what you’ve shared via Instagram Live. 

8. Partner With Influencers

Partnering with influencers is worth your time. It can help you reach more people, and it’s mutually beneficial for both parties. Influencers know their audiences well and are effective at generating conversions. 

They also have a built-in trust factor, which means that if they recommend something, people are more likely to hear about it and buy into it than if you were just throwing out ads or freebies on Instagram yourself.

To find influencers who are a good fit for your brand, look at their profiles and see what kind of content they’re posting, if you notice that they’re using certain hashtags frequently (like #spon), then chances are good that they’ve worked with brands in the past. For further information, you should visit Blogs and Facts

9. Use Hashtags Properly

Hashtags are one of the most powerful tools for interacting with your followers, driving traffic to your account, and growing your audience. However, using hashtags incorrectly can actually have a negative impact on the growth of your profile. The key is to use them correctly in order to maximize their potential.

Here’s what you need to know about hashtags:

  • Don’t overuse them. Using too many hashtags will make your caption look spammy and detract from the content in it. Try keeping it under 10 per post when possible, if you need more than 20 or 30 characters worth of space at once, consider breaking up all those words into two separate captions instead.
  • Use them properly. Make sure that each hashtag has some relevance before adding one to another word within a sentence (e.g., don’t just add “hashtag” before every sentence). If possible try pairing similarly themed posts together so users won’t get confused when searching through related information later down the road.

10. Share Your Journey

As a brand, it’s important to share your journey. If you’re building a personal brand on Instagram, this means sharing your story with the world. Your story is unique, different from anyone else’s and special in its own way. 

It can be anything from how you grew up in a small town to what inspires you every day or even a tale of overcoming adversity and rising above all expectations. Whatever yours may be, let people know about it because sharing who you are will help them connect with who they become when they interact with your account.


There you have it, 10 simple ways to build your personal brand on Instagram.

If you’re looking for a more advanced guide with more tips and tricks, then check out our free ebook on how to grow your Instagram account by 50 followers per day. It’s full of tips and tricks that we use every day in order to grow our own accounts by 50 followers per day.

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