How to Choose Perfect Office Paint Color to Boost Productivity

How to Choose Perfect Office Paint Color to Boost Productivity

There are many tips on the internet on how to improve productivity at the office, and probably one of the easiest ones is to grab a paint can and give your office a new coat of color. Colors have a strong influence on the human psyche and can turn a gloomy frown upside down in seconds. They can also encourage people to relax, breathe and stay focused on the task in front of them. So what are the best colors to achieve just that—boost productivity, focus, and motivation to work?

Light blue

Blue is a color that results in mind stimulation which is the direct path to productivity. All blue shades increase productivity and boost focus, so they are a favorite in industries like accounting (especially light blue) where people have to spend hours and hours repeating tasks with great accuracy. Blue is a color of intelligence that makes mental strain and heavy thought a little easier to handle.

Light blue paint color is often partnered with white, but this combo can make the space look sterile and cold. However, with a few simple warm color accents, you will balance the atmosphere in a second. A dark bold blue can also work wonderfully for an office, especially when used in accent walls, trims, and ceilings. This deep tone is much better for small offices since it instantly awakens a pleasant vibe instead of claustrophobia.


If your industry demands long work hours, green is the color to go with. It’s a gentle mind stimulant that is also very pleasant and relaxing to the eyes, and workers that can perform without strain and pain will automatically be more productive. Aside from painting accent walls green, it’s also possible to add this natural color by introducing indoor plants and nature-inspired art. A neutral pale green is a perfect office color because it’s easy on the eyes and has strong anti-stress properties (and tension in the office is the number-one productivity killer).


According to research, red color has a visceral effect on humans, even being able to slightly increase the heart rate and boost the blood flow. This means that offices that require you to be mentally alert and quick might benefit from this color. Of course, red is not recommended to be used too much or it might cause anxiety, aggression, and unhealthy competition between office staff, but if you use it as an accent color or apply it to a feature wall, it will work wonderfully. Red is also quite tricky to paint, but you can invite experts from SK Group Oz who will ensure your colors match and your reds look smooth, fiery, and effective. Experts will also do the paint job while you can focus on your work so it’s a win-win situation for your office.


Since it boosts attention, yellow is a great memory color. If your office or business focuses on learning and training, a yellow paint color will do wonders for productivity. For instance, if you paint the wall behind laptops yellow, it’s more likely that your training lessons will go great. And the skill and knowledge retention quickly lead to productivity.


A mix between red and yellow, orange is a great productivity color that can boost happiness and determination. While too much orange can create a tense work environment that might cause various conflicts to arise, striking the balance with this color will increase energy and give workers motivation to stay productive even on low-energy afternoons and evenings. 

Play with these colors and their hues and saturation until you find a color that perfectly fits your company culture and offers just the right emotional boost for your employees. Then call some experts to put on a fresh coat of paint and watch as your business results improve.