How To Create a Good Mobile User Experience


At least 80% of the world’s population now own a cell or smartphone of some kind. Simply put, the world is rapidly becoming mobile-centric and you have to move with this evolving consumer trend as a business. This is why you need to optimize your business website for mobile devices plus you can also create a tailored mobile app to improve your service delivery. That said, you need to keep an eye on creating the right mobile experience for your users. Here are five tips to help you create a good mobile user experience. 

Encourage feedback

Remember you designed your mobile app with your audience and prospects in mind. It would only be fair to give them a way to provide feedback on their experience so far. For instance, you could incorporate a bug-reporting tool that lets users bypass talking to customer care and report any issue they experience. The developers can analyze the reports the tool generates and act promptly to ensure the user has a pleasant experience. 

Keep your audience engaged 

Your audience will quickly discard your mobile app if they find it boring. Therefore, a crucial step is ensuring you keep them engaged by providing something of value. You could start by assessing your relationship with your customers and the critical elements of customer experience they hold in the highest regard. For instance, if your clients value the community and social ties, you could include tabs where they can share reviews on social media and ask other members questions about your products. 

Invest in mobile testing 

It would be a shame to release an app only to discover some crucial defects you didn’t fix. Your app could also have usability and functionality issues that make it harder for your audience to navigate effortlessly. To avoid this, ensure you invest in proper mobile testing in your development lifecycle. You can be able to ascertain everything works on different devices. You can use a mobile-first testing platform to ensure that simulate real device testing. This way, you can drive faster releases and deliver wonderful mobile experiences for your customers.

Provide support in numerous channels

Your prospects are bound to experience issues while using your app, especially if they have downloaded it recently. Unfortunately, most clients value convenience and expect you will be available to help them solve their issues as soon as possible. You could meet their needs by providing in-app support, so they don’t have to click away from your app to get help. Another form of support would be to create an FAQ section with embedded knowledge they can peruse and learn how to solve minor issues. 

Teach your users how to use your app

Most apps have an introductory onboarding flow that teaches the audience how to navigate the app and use its features. However, a small percentage of clients actually complete the tutorial and want to skip straight to the homepage. Even though your tutorial might give crucial insight into your app and how best to use it, most clients don’t want to be interrupted and prefer to learn as they go. To prevent prospective clients from bouncing off your app, we urge you to keep tutorials and onboarding flows optional. 

Wrapping up

It is not enough to create a mobile app for your business, you need to ensure that you deliver a nice user experience. A good mobile user experience will definitely help you boost customer retention and satisfaction. Your mobile app will likely be successful with a good user experience.