How To Increase Money In Astrology?

black telescope under blue and blacksky

If there is one thing individuals should all desire in this world, it is money. Everybody wants to see a million dollars in their bank account and a purse full of cash. Beyond money, what else in our world can provide us with more happiness? We begin to work harder so we may live the luxurious lives we’ve always imagined. But for some of us, money troubles continue even after multiple tries. Then, astrological money treatments are here to save the day if that’s the case. But before that, let us see the signs for money.

Astrological Indications of Financial Loss

Let’s first discuss the astrological indicators of money loss before studying the treatments for money loss in astrology.

Do your expenses surpass your earnings? Every time you consider saving money, a fresh, unexpected bill appears on your doorstep. There is just one possible explanation if you are experiencing all of these things. Astrology indicates that you might experience an unplanned financial difficulty in the future. The astrological indications that signal financial loss are given below.

  • Finding or losing gold – is associated with both a financial problem and a negative omen, according to astrological beliefs.
  • Water Leakage – If any of the taps in the bathroom or kitchen are dripping, take caution as this can lead to financial issues in addition to being a waste of water. Your wallet can eventually suffer because of this water leak in your home. However, how does a water leak relate to financial loss? Astrologically speaking, Varuna Devta is referred to as the “water god.” Therefore, it could annoy him if you ignore water leaks in your home.
  • Loss of Opportunities – It’s one thing to have few opportunities, but it’s another to have too many and end up losing them. Let’s say, for example, that you close a business deal that will bring in an enormous amount of money. You lost the deal because something went wrong. If you are experiencing these as well, you are likely to run into financial problems.
  • Declining Health – Be alert for any unexpected medical conditions, such as stomach or heart problems. Sometimes, even with continuous treatment, there is no progress in your health. Astrology is giving you suggestions about how to get ready for an unexpected loss or financial disaster.
  • Pet death: Losing a pet causes you a scar that will never be fully healed. According to astrology, one of the warning signs of future financial difficulties is the untimely death of your pet.

Reasons Behind Money Problems

Pitra Dosha – Pitra dosha may be the cause if your financial issues are stubbornly bothering you. When an individual’s ancestors or predecessors are thought to be dissatisfied or upset with their living offspring, it is known as pitra dosha.

It is commonly believed that ancestors have a significant influence on the well-being of their offspring and that their unhappiness can cause a person to experience a range of issues, including financial difficulties.

Pret Dosham – The word “pret” describes a ghost or a restless soul. In astrology, the placement of the dark planets Rahu and Ketu in the 8th or 12th house results in pret dosha in a person’s navamsa chart. People believe that these chaya-grahas, Rahu and Ketu, have a malevolent influence that upsets the lives of individuals by causing financial issues.

Grahan Yoga – Grahan Yoga is thought to be an extremely difficult planetary alignment that can lead to many challenges and hardships in a person’s life. Furthermore, according to certain astrologers, Grahan yoga may result in a loss of money. For precise knowledge, have a chat with astrologer.

Remedies for Increasing Money

Feeding crows is the first remedy on the list for recovering frozen money. The first easy yet efficient way to get your cash back is to feed crows daily. Crow feeding has a direct connection to Saturn. This planet can bring you from wealth to poverty. Therefore, you should please it to help you take charge of your financial situation.

You’ve made every attempt to get your money unblocked, but no luck. Therefore, you have given up on ever getting your money back. However, what if we told you that your four-legged companion can assist you in this circumstance? To observe the benefits, all you need to do is give bread or chapati to a black dog on Saturdays.

You may get your cash back by repeating the Karthaveeryarjuna Stotram mantra nonstop for 21 days, in addition to all the other cures. Keep in mind that you can only benefit from this cure if you say the mantra a total of 108 times with good intentions. Before using this cure, purify your heart of all worries. For more remedies, you can meet a qualified astrologer.


Are you struggling with money problems? Then, no more because financial remedies are here to help. However, it is important to purify your heart and make it doubt-free to see the magic of astrological remedies.