How to use Duplicates Detection in Apple Photos?

This article will help you remove image replicas from Apple Photos using the Duplicate Detection feature.

At first, everything seemed fine. You may have saved more than one copy of an image on your phone by accident, or you may have taken many pictures of the same thing and forgotten to delete them. But before you know it, those extra pictures have changed into a pile of copies that are taking up space in your photo library for no reason. Luckily, you don’t have to spend hours getting rid of each picture. With the newest update from Apple, it’s now easy to get rid of duplicate pictures on your iPhone. 

Hacks for the iPhone, like getting rid of duplicate pictures, can change the game for more than just people who want to save time. You can clean up your digital life and free up room on your computer with just a few taps. If you have iOS 16, read this guide to learn how to use the Duplicate Detection tool on Apple devices to find and get rid of duplicate photos on your iPhone.

Methods to Find and Delete Duplicate Photos On Apple Devices

Below we have shared some ways that you can implement to clean all the duplicate files from your Apple devices without using the Best Duplicate Photo Finder & Cleaner app.

Method 1: Delete Duplicate Images from macOS Devices

The Photos app can identify duplicates when you import photos, but it won’t assist you with existing photos in your library. There has to be more of a human touch for the photos that are already in your collection. The majority of your duplicates were probably taken on the same day or around the same time. 

Thanks to the photographs app’s default sorting by capture date, you may easily find duplicate photographs while browsing your collection. However, Smart Albums can help you refine your search even more if you’re still unable to locate all of your duplicates. To assist you in determining whether a photo has been copied, you may sort them by filename, camera model, lens type, and other parameters. To begin using Smart Albums in Photos, please follow these steps:

Step 1: Launch the Photos application on your Mac PC.

Step 2: On the Photos app, click on the Duplicates option present on the sidebar. Give your computer some time to check for the duplicate images present.

Step 3: Select all the duplicate images. You can either choose them one by one or by selecting the whole group at once.

Step 4: After selecting all the pics, click on the Merge Items option. This will delete all the duplicate images and send them to the Recently Deleted album.

Step 5: Now, go to the Recently Deleted album by selecting it from the sidebar.

Step 6: Next, click on the Delete All button in the top-right corner to permanently delete all the duplicates from your system.

Method 2: Delete Duplicate Photos from iOS Devices

When you see two or more identical photos on your iPhone, it might be due to several things. You risk having your photo collection seem like a mishmash of duplicates if you use any of them. Therefore, here we have provided you with some instructions that you can follow to clear all the duplicate images from your iPhone or iPad.

Step 1: Get the Photos app going on your iOS device.

Step 2: Select Albums from the list of icons at the bottom of the screen.

Step 3: To find the Duplicates section, scroll down to the Utilities section.

There, you will find all the duplicate photos present on your iPhone. Now, it is time to either delete them or merge them. For that check out the instructions below:

Step 1: In the Duplicate folder, tap on the merge option and this will automatically eliminate one image. 

Step 2: A pop-up window will appear asking for your confirmation on the merge. Select the amount of photos you want to merge. 

Only the highest-quality version of the duplicated photographs will be saved in your library when you combine the items on your iPhone. The Most Recent Deleted album will house the remaining copies.

Wrapping Up the Methods to Find and Delete Duplicates from Apple Photos

We’ve all been there: you come home with an SD card full of new shots and feel great. Then, editing like crazy to get them ready to print or post right away. You can be a little messy at that time, but after a few months, you see that your whole Mac is a mess. Therefore, you must keep your device clean from duplicate images and videos. Additionally, if you have any more queries regarding this topic, then let us know in the comments section below.