Plan a Low Maintenance Garden in 5 Easy Steps

How to Create a Low Maintenance Garden

Gardening is a relaxing and rewarding activity for some. For others though, it’s a chore that eats up spare time. If you are a member of the latter group, a low-maintenance garden might be for you.

Follow these steps to create a garden you can make the most of without the work.

Limit Planting Space 

Flowers and other plants are time-consuming ways to decorate your garden. Without regular watering, weeding, and fertilizing, among other tasks, they can quickly turn into a wilting eyesore. Restricting them to a few small zones can cut down on regular garden maintenance significantly. There are plenty of alternatives to replace existing planting space with, such as a simple rock patio or small garden ornaments. Moreover, you should also check hayfarmguy for some amazing gardening tips.

Install Water Irrigation Systems 

A water irrigation system offers many benefits. It can reduce the cost of maintaining a healthy yard, by using much less water than watering by hand. Besides being a great water-conserving landscaping trick, it is also a convenient shortcut for the less enthusiastic gardener. Watering your garden is an ongoing task that might need to be done several times a day. Worse, getting it wrong can be disastrous for your yard. 

An irrigation system takes this task out of your hands. Installing a water irrigation system does not have to be an expensive purchase or a complex installation either. Instead, By installing a strategically positioned and automated irrigation system, the amount of water utilized for irrigation can be significantly reduced, which ultimately leads to a reduction in monthly water bills. This is due to the fact that automated irrigation systems are designed to efficiently water plants according to their specific water requirements, thus preventing over-watering and reducing water waste. Drilling a few holes into a length of piping or hose is all it takes to create an effective irrigation system for a small garden. With the addition of a timer to your outdoor tap, you won’t have to worry about remembering to water your garden ever again.

Choose native or regional plant varieties 

Non-native plants need extra love and care to survive in the sub-optimal conditions of your local environment. Depending on the plant, this can involve a lot of extra work, and the risk of a lot of dead or dying plants if you get it wrong. Stick to hardy plants native to your region to ensure they can thrive with less help from you.

If you do decide to plant your garden with varieties from further afield, it is a good idea to look into the ideal conditions for that plant. Making sure that the conditions in your garden are compatible with your new plants will save you a lot of wasted work and disappointment on a plant that never looks its best. For that purpose, you can contact professionals like Tree Lopping in Brisbane to guide you accordingly.

Show the soil in your yard some love 

The contents of your soil have a huge impact on the health of every plant in your garden. As a result, looking after your soil can mean a lot less work trying to keep those plants alive and looking at their best. Thankfully, this one is a very easy task. Just apply a yearly layer of compost to top up the nutrients in your soil. Depending on your local soil and the plants you have chosen, you might also benefit from adding some mineral supplements to the soil when you add the compost. This can help account for any deficiencies in your soil that might affect the health of your garden plants and lawn.

Ask Help From Useful Insects

There are many insects that can help you maintain your garden. Ladybugs, for example, are known for eating aphids and other small pests that can damage plants. Praying mantises are also great for controlling pests, as they eat a wide variety of insects and can help keep your garden healthy by eating pests. Additionally, honeybees and the different species of bees are important pollinators that can help your plants produce fruit and seeds. By attracting these helpful insects to your garden, you can reduce the need for chemical pesticides and promote a healthy ecosystem.

Arrange Container Gardens 

Container gardens can be bought as a set from most gardening and outdoor DIY stores. This is a zero-effort way to add some greenery to your yard. The store has already done the work of picking out a matching set of pots and potting the plants with the right soil, and they can also advise you on the best low-maintenance choices. If you want to put in more of your own creativity, you can of course go to the trouble of picking out your own assortment of containers, pots, and planters to give your garden more of a unique touch.