Protecting Your Business From Scammers – A Simple Guide

man and woman sitting at table

In the fast-paced digital age, businesses of all sizes are constantly under threat from cunning scammers. While one might assume that larger corporations, with their vast resources and assets, would be the primary targets, it’s small businesses that often bear the brunt of these malicious attacks. Their relatively limited resources, combined with the perception of weaker security protocols, make them prime targets for deceptive practices. Hence, it is of paramount importance that small business owners arm themselves with knowledge and tools to thwart such threats.

One particularly insidious form of scamming revolves around phone scams, where unknown numbers call businesses with dubious intentions. For example, you might get a call from an unfamiliar number claiming to be from a reputable company, offering a seemingly legitimate business proposition or service. Yet, without proper verification, it’s hard to tell the genuine from the fake. With the proliferation of phone spoofing technology, where scammers can mask their real numbers with legitimate ones, it’s never been more crucial to be cautious. To counteract this, always verify unknown numbers by checking them on the company’s official website or calling the company directly through an established contact before entertaining any offers or sharing sensitive information, the number 07700151855, for example, has been verified as a number used by Hello Fresh! So it’s always important to screen and check these numbers! 

Additional Ways to Protect Your Business From Scammers:

Educate Your Team: Regularly hold training sessions to make your team aware of the latest scamming techniques. The more informed they are, the less likely they are to fall for a scam.

Secure Your Online Presence: Make sure your business website uses secure protocols (HTTPS) and regularly update your security patches. Using strong, unique passwords and two-factor authentication can further shield you from cyber-attacks.

Avoid Clicking on Suspicious Links: Phishing emails often contain links that, once clicked, can download malware onto your system. Always hover over a link to see where it leads before clicking and be suspicious of URLs that look off.

Monitor Your Financial Transactions: Keep a close eye on your bank statements and financial transactions. Regularly checking for unauthorized activity can help detect any discrepancies early on.

Limit Information Sharing: Be cautious about what business information you share online, especially on social media. The more scammers know about your operations, the more tailored and convincing their scams can be.

Use Reliable Payment Systems: Ensure that you’re using a reputable payment gateway for your transactions. These systems come with inbuilt security measures that help protect against fraud.

Maintain Regular Backups: In case of a ransomware attack, where your data is held hostage by scammers, having regular backups can save your business. Use both cloud and physical backups for added security.

Be Wary of Overpayments: If a customer overpays and then requests a refund for the difference, be cautious. This is a common scam where the original payment will bounce, but you’ve already refunded the ‘overpaid’ amount.

Stay Updated: Scamming techniques evolve. Join industry groups, forums, or sign up for cybersecurity newsletters to keep abreast of the latest threats and solutions.

Consult with Experts: If you’re unsure about the security of your systems, consult with a cybersecurity expert. They can provide tailored advice and might spot vulnerabilities you missed.

Remember, while the digital age presents a multitude of opportunities for businesses, it also introduces several threats. By staying vigilant, informed, and proactive, you can significantly reduce the risk of falling victim to scams and ensure the continued success and growth of your business.