The Best Natural Almond Recipes for Every Meal of the Day

close up photography of almond nuts

Almonds come in many forms: whole, sliced, slivered, and ground. They’re an easy go-to for slathering on toast, mixing into smoothies, or adding to baked goods.

Try making your dairy-free almond milk at home by blending soaked almonds with water in the blender. You can flavour the soaking liquid with sweeteners or spices for extra flavour.


A crunchy handful of roasted almonds on top of your morning oatmeal or a smoothie gives you all the energy you need for the day. Roasting whole almonds in the oven or a skillet brings out their full, nutty flavour and crunch.

Almonds are a good source of protein (6g per 1/4 cup serving) and healthy fats, especially the monounsaturated kind. They’re also rich in vitamin E, magnesium, and fibre.

Adding whole toasted almonds to your salads and savoury meals adds texture and an irresistible taste. Roasting entire almonds in the oven takes only a few minutes and can be done with any number of nuts you want (we like to roast about 3 cups at a time).

You can get a lot of different flavours with this simple recipe: Toss the almonds with olive oil and salt, spread them on a baking sheet, and bake. Stir them up about halfway through to ensure they brown evenly. If you’d like to add a little spice, sprinkle with some cayenne as well.

The result is an addictive snack that also makes a fantastic topping for a charcuterie board or simply munch on as you work. They’re a great addition to our Almond Butter Banana Overnight Oats or mixed into our Green Beans with Almondine.

To make homemade almond milk, put the almonds and 4 cups of water into a high-speed blender and blend on high until there are no more visible pieces of almonds, and the mixture is creamy. Strain the mixture through a nut milk bag or cheesecloth and squeeze well to extract the almond milk. You can save the almond pulp for another recipe or discard it.

The best thing about making your almond milk is that you have the option to add flavourings, such as vanilla or chocolate, to your beverage. However, adding flavouring after straining is difficult, and the milk won’t have the same consistency. You can use the almond pulp to make a batch of nut milk hummus or dry it in a dehydrator to use as an alternative to oat flour in baked goods.


Toss roasted almonds in your favourite salad for lunch or dinner. They are easy to make at home and have a wonderful flavour, thanks to the olive oil they soak up while baking. For a more flavorful almond mix, try this savoury recipe from The Bewitchin Kitchen that includes cumin, cayenne pepper, garlic powder, sugar, salt, and olive oil.

You can also turn your healthy almond butter into a smoothie to go with your lunch. Simply combine a cup of almond butter with a banana, a handful of spinach, and some milk in your blender and hit the whizz button. Try this one made with kale, avocado, almond milk, banana, and cinnamon for another great almond smoothie idea.

If you’re in a more baking mood, use your homemade almond butter to prepare some sweet treats. Almond flour is a great alternative to traditional wheat flour and can be used in many of your favourite recipes. It can be a bit more difficult to work with, but it’s full of good fats, fibre, protein (6g per 1/4 cup serving), vitamin E, and phytonutrients that help lower cholesterol and reduce hunger.

A few tablespoons of homemade almond butter can be the perfect topping for a cake or cupcake. You can even add a few tablespoons to your smoothie to give it extra sweetness and texture.

Blueberries and almonds are perfect for a classic breakfast dish, like pancakes. You can make these quick and easy pancakes at home with just a few simple ingredients.

If you don’t have a lot of time to spare in the morning, grab some rolled oats and sliced almonds to make nutritious almond oatmeal. Add some flaked coconut, granulated sugar, and/or maple syrup for some added sweetness.

You can also add some extra crunch to your oats by making sweet, nutty muesli. Combine a few tablespoons of your homemade almond butter with a mixture of rolled oats, desiccated coconut, and a mix of sliced nuts (try pecans, walnuts, or pistachios) and bake it in the oven for a tasty and filling breakfast.


Almonds can be used in savoury dishes to add a punch of flavour. Ground almonds can be used to create a smooth paste that is then combined with other ingredients, such as chicken and bok choy, in this recipe. The result is a hearty dinner that will leave you feeling full and satisfied.

Roasted almonds are a simple but delicious snack. Toss the nuts with a bit of olive oil and salt, then bake them until they are crispy and brown. These are also great snacks to bring to a party or serve as a teatime treat.

Adding almonds to your dessert is a quick and easy way to take a cake or tart up a notch. This chocolate cake uses almonds in the crust and a mix of whole and ground almonds baked into the batter itself.

The nutty and sweet flavours of almonds pair beautifully with fruit. Use them to create a delicious dessert that can be served warm or cold. This almond apple tart is ideal for a special occasion or to impress guests at a dinner party.

Almond flour is a fantastic alternative to wheat flour and can be used in a wide range of recipes. The Low Carb Yum blog has this gluten-free and paleo-friendly almond flour bread recipe that is quick and easy to make. Unlike store-bought bread, this does not require any kneading or proofing.

Another excellent recipe to try is this Almond Flour Strawberry Crumble Bar from Joy the Baker. This is a wholesome dessert that will leave you feeling satisfied and is perfect to eat on its own or serve as breakfast alongside a cup of coffee.

A sprinkle of roasted almonds can transform any meal. A handful added to this morning’s smoothie is a great way to add extra protein, healthy fats to your diet and a subtle sweetness. Alternatively, you can use a few sprinkles to dress a salad. This recipe for Purple Sprouting Broccoli with Blue Cheese and Garlic is just one idea for a salad that will benefit from the addition of some toasted almonds.


The next time you are craving a salty snack, try these almonds that you can roast yourself in the oven. They are very easy to make and only take about 20 minutes. You’ll need whole raw almonds, a small amount of olive oil, and sea salt. A fine-grain salt is best to coat the nuts more evenly. These roasted almonds will keep for a long time if you can resist eating them all right away!

Another healthy snack you can have on hand is a batch of homemade almond milk. This is a great dairy-free alternative and tastes much better than store-bought almond milk. This recipe requires some advance preparation – you’ll need to soak the almonds for about 8 hours. But the extra effort is well worth it because this milk is delicious and also very nutritious.

You can also use almonds to add crunch to your favourite salads. This almond dressing is easy to make, and it tastes delicious on a green salad with fresh berries or vegetables. It is an ideal salad dressing for a light lunch or dinner and works well as a topping for fruit or dessert.

If you love the taste of a good cinnamon roll, then you will love this Almond Coffee Cake. This vegan and gluten-free treat is perfect for breakfast or as a snack with a cup of tea or coffee. The combination of spices, including cinnamon and cayenne, makes for a warming and comforting dish that will satisfy your sweet tooth and give you the energy you need to start your day.

If you plan on serving this as an appetizer at a party, try these baked almond koftas. They are filled with mashed potato, egg, and almonds, rolled in breadcrumbs, and baked to perfection. They are an irresistible snack that everyone at the party will love! You can even serve them at a family get-together or a casual dinner party. They are also a great snack to pack in your child’s school lunch bag.