Things To Expect When Getting a Colonoscopy

woman in white scrub suit standing near baby lying on hospital bed

To some people, getting a procedure done on their body is kind of scary because they might be afraid of things like being cut open or just a general fear of being at the doctor’s (yes it does exist even in adults). However, for some, it feels natural for them to have surgery done and have no need to fear it because they feel safe– take a colonoscopy Singapore style. The medical professionals in that area are very meticulous in making you feel calm and safe before the procedure but if you are still scared, here are some things you should expect when having a colonoscopy done.

Pre Procedure Preparation 

Before your colonoscopy, the healthcare practitioner assigned to you will give you thorough advice on how to prepare. This sometimes entails following a diet to rid your intestines of residue. 

Usually, they will give you a list of things you should or should not do to ensure that your colon is clean during the treatment, this includes your need to drink clear liquids for some time and take laxatives and most important of all, you have to follow these guidelines precisely because this is critical for a successful assessment.

During The Procedure

During the colonoscopy, you will lie on your side on an examining table and then a colonoscope, which is a long, flexible tube with a camera at the end, will be carefully inserted into your rectum and directed into your colon this entire thing will allow your doctor to inspect the lining of your colon for abnormalities.

Now, when you are going through this, you may experience some discomfort or pressure as the colonoscope is inserted and moved through your colon but you have nothing to worry about as the sedative should help with the pain and there won’t be any significant damage happening, contrary to what many people believe.

It’s also normal to feel bloated or gassy afterward due to the air introduced into your colon during the examination but if you do feel this make sure to communicate everything with your doctor so you can make sure that nothing not of the ordinary is happening, remember, great communication is important for a quick and full recovery.

Post Op and Follow Up Care

After the colonoscopy, you will be observed for a brief period while the sedation wears off. During this period, you may suffer cramps or bloating, but these symptoms should pass soon. It is also very normal to feel drowsy or fatigued following the treatment because of the sedative that is still in your system, so make sure that you have someone accompanying you. Your doctor might also recommend some steps you have to follow to ensure a fast recovery so make sure to follow it.


As you can see, there is no need to be scared at all so you just have to sit back relax and wait until you are done, it’s that simple!

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