Top 10 Examples of React Native Apps in 2024

A JavaScript framework called React Native is intended for creating truly native applications for operating systems like iOS and Android.

React is a JavaScript library developed by Facebook, which gives it the ability to fuel the creation of native mobile apps.

It fits the demands of the current mobile app development industry, as businesses developing mobile apps frequently have to choose between the two dominant operating systems:

  • Create apps that improve user experience or that are quicker to create and compatible with a wider range of platforms and gadgets.
  • We can resolve the issue thanks to React Native.

It may seem implausible to think that one paradigm could be used to create apps for every platform, but React Native app development services make this feasible.

Because much of the code can be reused between platforms, React Native speeds up the process of developing apps for various platforms. Excellent speed, almost the same as native apps, and very fluid animations are made possible with React Native.

Why is React Native being used by the biggest companies?

The main goal of React Native, a native version of the well-known web framework of the same name, is to enable the creation of native mobile apps using React’s capability.

React Native components are methods that return the current views’ appearance without any side effects. As a result, it offers a positive client experience.

Additionally, we can create native JavaScript apps for iOS and Android using React Native. We can utilize all of the built-in features, including GPS, camera, gestures, and push notifications.

Because the framework updates the view as the state changes, you don’t have to worry about writing state-dependent views; instead, it is easier.

The final user experience is not as horrible as with other methods that just render a web component within a WebView since the UI is displayed using genuine native views.

Of course, working with a top mobile app development company is essential to success while developing React apps.

Well-known React Native applications

  • Facebook
  • Walmart 
  • Instagram
  • Bloomberg
  • SoundCloud 
  • Rhythm
  • Townske 
  • Gyroscope
  • Wix

Let’s examine the reasons behind those firms’ decision to use React Native as well as the outcomes of their iOS and Android apps.

Examples of Different Companies’ Use of React Native Apps

1. Tesla

One of the most well-known companies that has revolutionized the electric car market is Tesla. For its mobile apps, it has embraced the React Native technology. Remote control of Tesla automobiles is now possible for consumers thanks to an app made with React Native. Customers may use the app’s noteworthy features to track the position of their vehicle, diagnose problems, remotely lock and unlock their car, and check the status of their car’s charge. Tesla was able to create cutting-edge control and display systems for their cars that are in line with their creative concepts thanks to the React Native framework.

2. Instagram

Instagram is a well-known firm throughout the world that offers social media services for sharing photos and videos. The firm has been able to add features like push notifications and produce apps with basic user interfaces that give a simplified look since it has merged its app with React Native. Given that the code for iOS and Android apps is shared, the React Native framework has also made it possible to expedite app development.

3. Facebook

Facebook is the developer of React Native, which is used to create dynamic iOS and Android mobile apps. Facebook’s app can access the camera, location, and speakers on the smartphone thanks to React Native, which also expands the app’s functionality and lowers app maintenance costs by making app updates easier.

4. Discord

React Native was used by the popular chat service Discord to develop its iOS version. Their iOS app is 99.99% crash-free, has millions of active users, and has a 4.8-star rating in the Apple app store. Only by utilizing React Native was this achievable, and three iOS devs managed the app in the end. Despite some recent performance problems, it was still able to provide a high-quality user experience by making the most of React Native.

5. Uber Eats

Uber Eats is an app that makes it simple to order meals from your favorite restaurants.

The Uber team sought to enhance its integrated Restaurant Dashboard and redesign this component using React Native to bring together three parties: restaurants, delivery partners, and diners.

React Native was a very tiny component of the UberEats ecosystem, but the developers indicated shortly after its launch that their experience using it to rebuild the Restaurant Dashboard was excellent. Nearly all Uber Eats restaurants now use the redesigned Restaurant Dashboard as a standard tool thanks to the use of React Native. The fact that developers have produced a better platform that draws more users and broadens Uber’s clientele pleased them. These days, Uber Eats is among the most widely used Food delivery services in the USA.

6. Skype

One of the most popular communication services, Skype, developed its mobile version using React Native. It lets developers create cross-platform and cross-device video conferencing applications. Its transition to React Native has enhanced user experience and allowed for platform-wide consistency.

7. Bloomberg

Bloomberg is a highly recognized business news portal worldwide. It used React Native to create its iOS and Android mobile app, which offers a ton of new features. Their software was able to be upgraded, streamlined, and developed more quickly thanks to React Native’s single codebase and automated code refresh. Their team overcame the delays by utilizing React Native.

8. Pinterest

React Native was utilized by the social media platform Pinterest to develop a prototype for its Topic Picker view. This is a crucial page that appears during the onboarding and registration process for users. With all of the user interface code shared across the two platforms, the iOS implementation took about 10 days, while the porting process to Android took only two days, saving a significant amount of development time. Gestalt, a React UI component collection that complements the Pinterest design language, is also used in the Pinterest web app.

9. Salesforce

Salesforce is a well-known platform for managing client relationships (CRM), and it developed its mobile app using React Native. Its mobile SDK’s integration of React Native has made it possible for developers to directly access the UI components. React Native, hybrid, and native apps are supported by Salesforce. Views may be rendered natively in React Native apps, providing users with the familiar feel of a native application.

10. The Walmart

One of the biggest internet merchants in the world is Walmart. It rewrote its mobile applications using React Native to lower the resources needed to compete in the mobile market. It was able to repurpose the majority of its iOS code for Android by utilizing React Native. The app’s performance was increased and the user experience was improved with the aid of React Native.

That’s A Wrap

This article demonstrates how React Native apps have strong, cutting-edge technology that enables companies worldwide to expand their consumer base on mobile platforms without having to develop native apps of their own. That’s why the best JavaScript development businesses frequently use it as their framework of choice.

For JavaScript developers, they are quick and efficient, and React Native is comparatively simple to master.

React Native is a good option if you want to provide your services and reach more people who use smartphones.

Hire a dedicated app developer to set a great example next to such outstanding businesses!

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