What To Do If You Suspect An Employee Of Stealing

No employee should ever steal. Whether it’s printing paper, staplers, cleaning products, or something more serious like cash. Taking something from your business is theft and any kind of theft needs to be addressed.

In many cases, thieves aren’t struggling financially but use the excuse of seeing others doing the same. If it becomes a habit among your employees, you could have a big problem. Here’s what to do if you suspect an employee of stealing from your business.

Gather Evidence

If you suspect any of your employees, you’ll need to get proof of their actions. This is where commercial security companies come in. From video surveillance to access control, you’ll have a better idea of what is happening on your business premises. 

If you can obtain video evidence of an employee stealing, you have what you need to take matters further. However, as an employer, you still need to do everything by the book.

At this point, it’s wise to seek legal guidance before approaching the employee. You need to know where you stand as an employer and what you have the authority to do. In many cases, employers are advised to hold a disciplinary meeting with the employee. 

When you do this, you should remain calm and poised. If the employee has stolen cash or items of value, you’ll need to involve the police beforehand. 

The Meeting

Explain to the employee why the meeting has been set up and what you suspect the employee of doing. The employee may want the chance to respond and make a defense here. If the employee pleads non-guilty, you will need to present the evidence you have gathered.

It’s wise to do this with at least one other person in the room as a witness. Stealing is considered gross misconduct at the least. Depending on the seriousness of the situation, you may have grounds for immediate dismissal. Explain the consequences clearly to your employee.

False Accusations

It’s imperative that you have the evidence you need to prove that the employee has been stealing. If you accuse an employee of stealing and get it wrong, you could be taken to an employment tribunal. The last thing you want to be doing is going to court when you have no evidence to prove you’re right.

This is why it’s vital that you seek legal advice before speaking with any employee that you suspect of any crime.

Talk To Other Employees 

If you need to dismiss an employee for theft, it may be worth reminding other employees of the strict rules for the workplace. Bring the team together and discuss what it recognized as stealing and why it won’t be tolerated.

This may put off other employees who think about stealing from your business. Remind them they are rewarded for hard work and shouldn’t need to steal but your doors are always open if they are struggling.

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