Your Daily Uniform : How To Show Up As The Person You Want To Be 

So, here you are. If you’re reading this blog, we will assume you do not feel like the best version of yourself. Whether you feel like life has been moving fast whilst you’ve been left behind, or you’ve grown tired of being stuck in a rut, this blog is for you. Watching endless self-help videos of YouTubers listing tips on how to improve your life while they film on their £1,000 camera in their luxury homes can feel dystopian. So, how can the average Joe become the best version of themselves, without paying for expensive coaching, or spending thousands to change their appearance?

The truth is that it starts from within. Mindset is everything. The beauty in our mindset is that it’s ours to manipulate. Yes, manipulation might sound like a sinister word, but when you’ve let online conversations and comparisons to influencers bring you down to this point of low self-esteem, drastic measures need to be taken. So, here is how to show up as the best version of yourself.

Write down a day in the life of your dream self

Who is the person you want to be? How do they wake up? What do they eat? How do they spend their time? You need a clear vision of what your dream self looks like before you can step into that role. Don’t just think about it—write it down. Be as detailed as possible. The more clarity you have, the easier it becomes to align your current habits with that future version of yourself.

Remember you are in control

No one is coming to save you. That’s a hard truth, but an important one. You can watch all the motivational content in the world, but until you take action, nothing changes. The way you live is your choice. If you end each day with regret for the things you didn’t do, you need to start making new choices, ones that make you feel uncomfortable. The best version of you isn’t waiting for a miraculous change to happen; you just show up and do what it takes.

Dress as your dream self would

Clothes are powerful. They don’t just affect how others see us; they shape how we see ourselves. If your dream self looks polished, put together, and confident, then start dressing that way now. You don’t need a brand-new wardrobe that costs thousands, just be intentional with what you wear. If you feel like your current style doesn’t reflect the person you want to be, change it. When you look at the part, you start to feel the part. If your dream self sports a satin hijab every day, buy three that make you feel luxurious and powerful. Or, if you wish to appear more feminine, wear heels every day, and feel like a boss. 

Do one new thing daily

Routines can either build you up or trap you in a cycle of stagnation. If you feel stuck, shake things up. Try something new every day, whether it’s going on a walk in nature in the morning, or booking a nice lunch spot for yourself. Take a different route to work. Try a new coffee shop. Read a book outside your usual genre. Change forces growth and growth brings you closer to your best self.

Speak to people you wouldn’t usually talk to

The argument of nature over nurture has been debated for decades, but we’re here to tell you that your environment can change the trajectory of your life. If you keep interacting with the same people who bring you down and have the same meaningless conversations, you’ll stay in the same place. Make an effort to speak to someone new, whether it’s a colleague you usually avoid small talk with or a stranger at a café. Expanding your world starts with expanding your network and connections.

Turn your dream into reality

There will come a time when you reflect on your life and remember how you once dreamed you were in your current position. You don’t need to wait to lose a couple of pounds to dress the way you want or get that new job so you can meet new people, you can show up as the best version of yourself right now. Show up for yourself today, and before you know it, you’ll be living the life you once only imagined.

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