10 Ways to Improve Your Communication Skills

Whether we are trying to build relationships, sell a product, or get our needs met, communication is key. People might find it difficult to express themselves clearly, or they might not be good listeners. 

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In this article, we will prove ten ways to improve your communication skills and better interactions with the people around you.

What is effective communication, and why do you need it?

Communication is sharing of information, feelings, or ideas between people. It can be verbal (using words), nonverbal (using body language, gestures, and expressions), or written (using symbols like letters and numbers).

Effective communication happens when all parties involved understand the message of the conversation. It is essential to have practical skills because it allows people to interact with each other. Good communication can lead to better relationships, improved work productivity, and a positive outlook on life. 

Best ways to improve communication skills

Communication is vital in any situation, whether trying to build a rapport with a colleague or close a business deal. To be an effective communicator, you need to understand and be understood by others. Here are ten tips on how to improve your communication skills:

Learn to listen

One of the crucial communication skills you can develop is learning how to listen. Listening doesn’t just mean hearing what someone has to say, but being able to understand and internalize it. 

There are a few things you can do to practice your listening skills: 

  • Pay attention to both the words and the body language of the person you’re talking to, 
  • Clear your mind so that you can focus on what they’re saying;
  • Try not to interrupt or interject; 
  • Ask questions if you’re not sure what they mean or if you want to clarify something;
  • Repeat what they said in your own words to show that you were listening and to make sure you understood.

Upgrade your verbal and body language

Don’t forget about your language when you try to communicate with others. Simplify it and stick to the main points you want to make. Use clear, concise language that will be easy for your listener to understand. Be aware of your tone of voice and try to use it in a way that will be most effective for the situation. Some tips for speaking effectively:

  • Slow down;
  • Speak at a volume that is easy for others to hear;
  • Avoid using fillers such as “um” or “like”;
  • Choose your words carefully;
  • Pronounce words clearly;
  • Ask for feedback from your listener.

Use body language to your advantage by ensuring you are conveying the message you want to send. Some things to keep in mind:

  • Make eye contact;
  • Use facial expressions;
  • Keep an open posture;
  • Avoid crossing your arms or legs;
  • Use hand gestures.

Be to the point

When you are communicating with someone, ensure that your message is clear and that you only include necessary information. It will help ensure that your communication is effective and that both parties understand it. When you have a conversation on some topic, ensure you know what you’re talking about. Proven information is always in respect. Besides, don’t participate in an argument if you are not sure what you say. 

Be brief yet specific 

When communicating with others, it’s essential to be clear and concise. Try to focus on the critical points that you want to get across. It can also be helpful to provide specific examples to illustrate your point for a better understanding of what you’re trying to say. Finally, resist the urge to ramble on unnecessarily. Stick to the essentials and save the rest for another time.

Think before you speak

It is probably the most crucial tip on the list. It’s easy to blurt out something without thinking and then regret it later. If you can learn to pause before speaking, it will give you time to think about what you want to say and how you want to say it. It will help you avoid something that could potentially offend or hurt someone else. 

Know your listener

One way to hone your communication skills is always to be aware of who your listener is. It means considering their age, gender, occupation, and relationship with you. By doing this, you can adjust how you communicate with them. It also extends to understanding the different communication styles people have. Also, try engaging your listener with interactive things to talk effectively.

Take some notes

One way to improve your communication skills is to take notes. You can take notes during meetings, lectures, or even conversations. It will help you remember what was said and allow you to follow up on any points made. Additionally, taking notes can show that dialogue is engaging and enjoyable for you.

Take time to respond

When someone asks you a question, it is essential to take the time to form a response. It shows that you take the conversation seriously and value what the other person says. It doesn’t mean that you should take forever to reply – just enough time so that you can formulate a clear and concise answer. If you need more time, let the other person know you need a moment to think about their question before answering. 

Check your message before you hit send

In the world of digitalization, written skills are as essential as verbal. There are some simple rules to stick in charting:

  • Make sure your message is clear and concise before sharing it with anyone. 
  • If you’re unsure whether your message is coming across the way you intended, ask a friend or colleague to read it over for you. 
  • Reread your message before hitting send again. 

Maintain a positive attitude and smile

One way to instantly improve your communication skills is to ensure you come across as positive and happy. Keep a pleasant expression on your face, make eye contact, and smile when appropriate. People are generally more receptive to those who appear to be friendly and approachable, so it’s essential to seem open and inviting if you want people to listen to what you have to say.


Communication is key in any relationship, whether professional or personal. How we communicate can often be the difference between a successful and a failed outcome. Our ten ways to improve your communication skills were proved by experience. So use them to rule the conversation and receive the best results.