12 Steps in Your Evening Routine for a Good Night’s Sleep

Twelve experts, from physicians to founders, share their personal secrets to a restful night. From the tranquillity of a screen-free hour before bed to the cleansing ritual of a detox drink for sleep quality, discover a spectrum of strategies that promise to enhance your nightly repose.

  • Maintain a Screen-Free Hour Before Bed
  • Meditate for Quicker Sleep Onset
  • Take a Relaxing Aromatherapy Shower
  • Find Effective Sleep Supplements
  • Get Fresh Air for Sleep Improvement
  • Stargaze to Unwind
  • Use the Analog Hour for Mindfulness
  • Stick to a Consistent Bedtime and Cool Down
  • Draw a Hot Bath for Faster Sleep
  • Hydrate for a Restful Slumber
  • Perform a Mindful Evening Reflection
  • Make a Detox Drink 

Maintain a Screen-Free Hour Before Bed

The most important step in my bedtime routine is that I stop looking at screens an hour before I plan to fall asleep. Blue light, like the type produced by phone and laptop screens, boosts alertness by blocking melatonin. This can be a good thing when you want to focus, but it’s a problem at night, preventing you from feeling tired and falling asleep.

It’s definitely made a significant difference in my personal experience. In the past, I was in the habit of double-screening before bedtime, often scrolling through my phone while watching TV in the background. 

Then, when I finally went to bed, I’d end up tossing and turning. Now that I’ve made the conscious choice to turn off and put down devices in preparation for bed, I’m able to fall asleep much faster and wake up feeling more refreshed.

Carlos Da Silva

Carlos Da Silva, Physician Assistant, PA Career Hub

Meditate for Quicker Sleep Onset

One step in my evening routine that ensures a good night’s sleep is meditation. Meditation puts me in the same brainwave state as when I’m in deep sleep. What this allows for me is a much shorter time from the completion of meditation to being fast asleep. 

I also ensure that all electronics are off and the room is dark when I’m doing the meditation to be best prepared to go into a deep sleep afterward. Both components are very important, as one can easily ruin the smooth transition by going to their electronics after they get out of the meditation.

Sebastian Jania

Sebastian Jania, CEO, Ontario Property Buyers

Take a Relaxing Aromatherapy Shower

One of the most beneficial steps in my evening routine, which ensures a good night’s sleep, is to take an aromatherapy shower. Aromatherapy showers can be incredibly relaxing and calming, helping to reduce stress and improve overall sleep quality.

I like to start by filling my bathtub with warm water and adding several drops of lavender essential oil. Lavender has been known for centuries to help relieve anxiety, promote relaxation, reduce nervous tension, and improve moods. The scent helps put me at ease while I’m taking a shower.

Sehrish Aslam

Sehrish Aslam, Marketing Assistance Specialist, Bank Statement PDF Converter

Find Effective Sleep Supplements

Taking my supplements ensures a good night’s sleep for me.

I’ve tried all kinds of things to help me fall asleep, from melatonin to valerian root. The only thing that has worked for me is taking a few supplements before bedtime: magnesium and calcium. The magnesium helps my body relax, and the calcium helps my muscles relax, too. They’re easy to take, they don’t give me any side effects, and they work every time.

Noel Griffith

Noel Griffith, CMO, SupplyGem

Get Fresh Air for Sleep Improvement

I always open the window for at least 15 minutes before going to bed. Fresh air regulates the temperature and helps remove any excessive odors in the bedroom. Additionally, it increases the amount of oxygen in the room, which can improve sleep quality.

Kseniia Mykolaienko

Kseniia Mykolaienko, CMO, Parentaler

Stargaze to Unwind

One of my favorite steps in my evening routine to ensure a good night’s sleep is nightly stargazing or cloud-watching. Whenever I get the opportunity, I like to spend some time outside looking up at the stars and clouds, reflecting on the day. Not only does this practice help me relax and clear my thoughts before bed, but it also gives me an appreciation for nature and how vast space can be.

Micajah McGregor

Micajah McGregor, Chief Editor and Managing Partner, Fan Fest News

Use the Analog Hour for Mindfulness

I use the Analog Hour in my evening routine to reconnect with the physical world before bedtime. This means dedicating the last 60 minutes of my day to analog activities rather than digital screens. I enjoy doing things like sketching, writing in a journal, and solving tangible puzzles. 

This deliberate departure from the digital realm not only reduces blue light exposure but also provides a mental transition from the virtual to the real. It acts as a calming bridge between the hectic pace of the day and the calmness of the night, encouraging a more profound sense of presence and mindfulness, and, as a result, contributing to a more restful and rejuvenating sleep experience.

Jason Tebeau

Jason Tebeau, President and CEO, Da Vinci Medical

Stick to a Consistent Bedtime and Cool Down

To secure a good night’s sleep, I’ve found that sticking to a set bedtime routine works wonders. I make sure to lie down at the same time every night. And here’s a little trickā€”I ensure I’m a bit cold before getting into bed. It’s surprisingly effective for drifting off into a peaceful, deep sleep.

Nick Sforza

Nick Sforza, Founder and Digital Marketer, Opvital

Draw a Hot Bath for Faster Sleep

Taking a hot bath before bed is an effective step. Research suggests that having a hot bath approximately 90 minutes before bedtime can contribute to faster sleep onset. The warm water plays a role in lowering the body’s core temperature, signalling to the body that it’s time to prepare for sleep. It’s important not to bathe too close to bedtime, as this may hinder the body from adequately cooling down and can potentially lead to counterproductive effects.

Jessica Shee

Jessica Shee, Marketing Manager, iBoysoft

Hydrate for Restful Slumber

As bedtime approaches, drinking plenty of water has become a habit for me. This practice has consistently yielded positive results, as I wake up feeling refreshed and free from any discomfort or bodily complications.

The remarkable benefit of water lies in its ability to regulate body temperature. Consuming ample water before sleep triggers a sense of drowsiness, easing the transition into a restful slumber. When you hit the bed hydrated, your body can effectively carry out essential metabolic processes like respiration, which require adequate water replenishment. Proper hydration ensures that all metabolic processes have the necessary water resources to function optimally. This explains why I consistently wake up feeling energized and upbeat.

Avoid the pitfall of neglecting water intake before bedtime. Prioritize hydration to embrace a more restful and rejuvenating sleep experience.

Ryan Carrigan

Ryan Carrigan, CEO and Founder, moveBuddha

Perform a Mindful Evening Reflection

In the hectic life of an entrepreneur, one of my evening routine practices to improve sleep quality is what I call a mindful review. Before going to bed, I take a few minutes to reflect on my day in a relaxed manner. 

I consider what worked well and what I can learn from it. I don’t pass judgment; I simply observe. It allows me to feel good about what I did well, while also learning from what didn’t go so well. 

This thinking time makes me feel positive and prepared for a good and quiet sleep. It acts as a link between my hectic day and a peaceful night. This simple routine allows me to sleep better and prepare for the next day of work.

Dan Barnard

Dan Barnard, Founder, Abom

Make a Detox Drink 

For years, having a detoxifying drink every evening before bedtime has been my routine. This not only helps me relax after a long day but also promotes a restful and revitalizing sleep.

My detox drink is a simple homemade recipe, a blend of natural ingredients that aid in flushing out toxins from my body, providing me with a feeling of overall wellness. The ingredients are lemon, ginger, and honey, all known for their detoxifying properties.

This simple routine has had a positive impact on my sleep quality and overall mental health; therefore, I am all praise for this routine and highly recommend it to anyone looking to improve their sleep quality and general well-being.

Jehanzaib Ahmed

Jehanzaib Ahmed, Regional Director of Sales and Marketing, Digital Vaults